Manu343726 / siplasplas

A library for C++ reflection and introspection
MIT License
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Testing #23

Open Manu343726 opened 8 years ago

Manu343726 commented 8 years ago

The library needs in depth testing for being relyable and "serious" enough to be published. The following is a list of priorities, of modules that should be covered by tests:

  1. Static reflection API:
    • Function, Field, Class, Enum. Most of this classes are just bridges to the generated code, so it's hard to add tests there. At least Enum has some functionality (fromString()/toString()) that needs to be tested.
    • At least black-box test the API for occurrencesof types, members, missing fields, etc. Check that the API gives right data from a given source.
  2. Dynamic reflection runtime:
    • Unit test Type: Registration, data, etc.
    • Unit test Object.
    • Unit test Object manipulation: Function invocation, assignment, etc.
    • Unit test Object pool. Consider a more relyable pool implementation (Ahem @foonathan).
    • Unit test automatic data registration: By default runtime dynamic reflection data should match that collected by static reflection API.
Manu343726 commented 8 years ago

And more, and more, and moooooooore things need testing. I should be doing like a true TDD fan, writing tests first. Meanwhile, yes, having features not covered by tests is considered a bug. One of the worst bugs.