Manu343726 / siplasplas

A library for C++ reflection and introspection
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Check design of cpp::dynamic_reflection::Object tests #33

Open Manu343726 opened 8 years ago

Manu343726 commented 8 years ago

This tests mock the 5 special member functions of a class (default ctor, copy ctor, copy assignment operator, etc) to check whether they are called or not during different operations of the Object wrapper. The mocks get pointers to the objects involved in the special member function invocation to also check if the call was done in the right object.

The problem with this approach is that the mocks call expectations may fail depending on the behavior of the allocator being used by Type class (Currently std::free()). The naive approach of comparing pointers to objects to check for their identity could (and it does) fail if for whatever reason the allocator returns the same address an already-deallocated tested object had. Which is kind of ironic since that behavior is a sign the allocator is performing well, improving cache locallity.
In that case, the mock call expectation on a special function would fail, since these expectectations are set to be called once per tested object (which is the default behavior of GMock's EXPECT_CALL()).

That said, I didn't find a better alternative for this tests...