ManuGithubSteam / Surface3ProArch

Linux (Arch) on the Microsoft Surface 3 Pro. Tipps and Workarounds
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Could you take a picture of the size of apps with scaling off? #1

Closed atomicwrites closed 6 years ago

atomicwrites commented 6 years ago

I'm considering a Surface Pro 3 and while not a deal breaker, the scaling issues seem annoying. I was wondering if using it without scaling would be feasible. Can you take a picture of a browser and maybe the activities view with no scaling, to see the size? Thanks.

ManuGithubSteam commented 6 years ago

Hi Aventura5, Nice to read from you!

First i can say the SP3 is a very good machine! I like it its well made. The keyboard and touch is good and the linux support is very good. Its just those little things you have to work on.

Ok here is some info:

I will post pics shortly mobile needs to charge....

ManuGithubSteam commented 6 years ago

Wit 1.25 scaling: img_20180214_151010 img_20180214_151021 img_20180214_151041

ManuGithubSteam commented 6 years ago

Without scaling:

img_20180214_151232 img_20180214_151240 img_20180214_151259 img_20180214_151308

ManuGithubSteam commented 6 years ago

In general i dont see me work normal work without the scaleing the stuff is just too tiny. But as described you can scale without issue when you not use QT Apps. And if you want to draw like me with Krita then just make a new session for it. I think that is quaite a good solution :-)

atomicwrites commented 6 years ago

Thanks. You're right, no scaling is pretty small. It's not a deal breaker, this is probably the only device that fits what I want. And krita would be the only thing I can think of to be affected so a new session is a usable workaround.