Manuel-Kehl / elementaryPlus

This theme is an addition to elementary OS's default icon theme. It contains icons for several third party applications that resemble elementary OS's style.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Icon request: Slack #370

Open cassidyjames opened 8 years ago

cassidyjames commented 8 years ago

Slack's linux client works decently, but its icon is super out of place.

bmcclure commented 7 years ago

Replacing Slack's icons is straight forward, but unfortunately is not clean.

Slack extracts its icons to /usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.unpacked/src/static/

The ones which come into play are:

Replacing those files with new icons seems to be the only way to get Slack (or any Electron app for that matter) to use custom icons.

I threw together some really quick icons that look at least better than the defaults. I don't yet know the best way to include these in elementaryPlus's installer, however, since it doesn't normally do things like overwrite stock icons, which would be a destructive process and would require sudo rights. But, in the meantime these icons could be installed manually:

slack-taskbar-highlight slack-taskbar-rest slack-taskbar-unread

bmcclure commented 7 years ago

Also, to get the icon to show up at all in elementary OS Loki, the /usr/share/applications/slack.desktop file should be updated so that the Exec line becomes:

Exec=env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity /usr/bin/slack --disable-gpu %U

bmcclure commented 7 years ago

One thing I've noticed, not sure yet if it's related to all Electron apps or just specifically Slack, but when using the icons I've posted here, they look good for a couple of seconds after launching and then are visibly rescaled a bit (and blurred a bit as a result). They still work fine, but the icon is not quite as crisp as a result.

I tried using 32px icons thinking maybe it was because they didn't match the original icon sizes, but the same thing happened--the icons just ended up looking too small because they were scaled even more. Perhaps a slightly smaller icon than 24px would prevent scaling at all. But none-the-less, I'm using these icons at the moment and they fit in pretty well with elementaryPlus.

bmcclure commented 7 years ago

Here's an example of the icon in use, since it's hard to tell based on the transparent .png files themselves:


artistro08 commented 5 years ago

slack-highlight slack-rest slack-unread

updated the icons to the new logo. mind you the icon names have changed for linux

hope this helps someone :)