Manuel83 / craftbeerpi3

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Buzzer Sounds #83

Open cocothenut opened 7 years ago

cocothenut commented 7 years ago


where and how i can define various Buzzer-Sounds

for various Brew-Steps

in which file the Buzzer-Sounds are defined ?

what is the command to call the Buzzer-Sound ?

thanks for help

carlallen commented 7 years ago

There's only one buzzer sound. You could make a plugin for additional buzzers sounds.

Currently in the code if you call cbpi.beep() it will beep the buzzer

swimIan commented 7 years ago

I was thinking about modifying the buzzer to make multiple beeps rather than different sounds.

cocothenut commented 7 years ago


my intention was not to add only some more beep´s

i want to add various Buzzer-Beep-Sounds , like in CBPi 2.2

for example :

def nextStepBeep(): start_new_thread(playSound,(sound1,))

def timerBeep(): start_new_thread(playSound,(sound2,))

def resetBeep(): start_new_thread(playSound,(sound3,))

sound1 = ["H",0.1,"L",0.1,"H",0.1,"L",0.1,"H",0.1,"L"] sound2 = ["H",1,"L"] sound3 = ["H",0.5,"L",0.5,"H",0.5,"L"]

flo269 commented 7 years ago

How about placing a "Test buzzer" button somewhere in the ui? This way people without too much coding experience could easily test their setup before actually brewing... what do you guys think?