Maoni0 / realmon

A monitoring tool that tells you when GCs happen in a process and some characteristics about these GCs
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Added all the columns that are in the GCStats view in PerfView. #6

Closed MokoSan closed 2 years ago

MokoSan commented 2 years ago

Added the columns below from here along with documentation. Updated the documentation accordingly from the Perf View based descriptions.

Column Name Full Name / Description Trace Event Property
index The GC Index. TraceGC.Number
gen The Generation. TraceGC.Generation
type The Type of GC. TraceGC.Type
reason Reason for GC. TraceGC.Reason
suspension time (ms) The time in milliseconds that it took to suspend all threads to start this GC. For background GCs, we pause multiple times, so this value may be higher than for foreground GCs. TraceGC.SuspendDurationMSec
pause time (%) The amount of time that execution in managed code is blocked because the GC needs exclusive use to the heap. For background GCs this is small. TraceGC.PauseTimePercentageSinceLastGC
CPU time (%) Since the last GC, the GC CPU time divided by the total Process CPU time expressed as a percentage. TraceGC.PercentTimeInGC
gen0 alloc (mb) Amount allocated in Gen0 since the last GC occurred in MB. TraceGC.UserAllocated[(int)Gens.Gen0]
gen0 alloc rate The average allocation rate since the last GC. (TraceGC.UserAllocated[(int)Gens.Gen0] * 1000.0) / TraceGC.DurationSinceLastRestartMSec
peak size (mb) The size on entry of this GC (includes fragmentation) in MB. TraceGC.HeapSizePeakMB
after size (mb) The size on exit of thi sGC (includes fragmentation) in MB. TraceGC.HeapSizeAfterMB
peak/after Peak / After TraceGC.HeapSizePeakMB / TraceGC.HeapSizeAfterMB
promoted (mb) Memory this GC promoted in MB. TraceGC.PromotedMB
gen0 size (mb) Size of gen0 at the end of this GC in MB. TraceGC.GenSizeAfterMB(Gens.Gen0)
gen0 survival rate The % of objects in Gen0 that survived this GC. TraceGC.SurvivalPercent(Gens.Gen0)
gen0 frag ratio The % of fragmentation on Gen0 at the end of this GC. TraceGC.GenFragmentationPercent(Gens.Gen0)
gen1 size (mb) Size of gen1 at the end of this GC in MB. TraceGC.GenSizeAfterMB(Gens.Gen1)
gen1 survival rate The % of objects in Gen1 that survived this GC. Only available if we are doing a gen1 GC. TraceGC.SurvivalPercent(Gens.Gen1)
gen1 frag ratio The % of fragmentation on Gen1 at the end of this GC. TraceGC.GenFragmentationPercent(Gens.Gen1)
gen2 size (mb) Size of Gen2 in MB at the end of this GC. TraceGC.GenSizeAfterMB(Gens.Gen2)
gen2 survival rate The % of objects in Gen2 that survived this GC. Only available if we are doing a gen2 GC. TraceGC.SurvivalPercent(Gens.Gen2)
gen2 frag ratio The % of fragmentation on Gen2 at the end of this GC. TraceGC.GenFragmentationPercent(Gens.Gen2)
LOH size (mb) Size of Large object heap (LOH) at the end of this GC in MB. TraceGC.GenSizeAfterMB(Gens.LargeObj)
LOH survival rate The % of objects in the large object heap (LOH) that survived the GC. Only available if we are doing a gen2 GC. TraceGC.SurvivalPercent(Gens.LargeObj)
LOH frag ratio The % of fragmentation on the large object heap (LOH) at the end of this GC. TraceGC.GenFragmentationPercent(Gens.LargeObj)
finalize promoted (mb) The size of finalizable objects that were discovered to be dead and so promoted during this GC, in MB. TraceGC.HeapStats.FinalizationPromotedSize / 1000000.0
pinned objects Number of pinned objects observed in this GC. TraceGC.HeapStats.PinnedObjectCount

Example of adding some columns: image

    # optional columns to add. The default one is always: `index` or GC#.
    # to add a column, add it from the ``available_columns`` section.
    - type
    - gen
    - pause (ms)
    - reason
    - gen0 size (mb) 
    - LOH size (mb) 
MokoSan commented 2 years ago

Not too tied to the column names as some of them are long and will be more than happy to change them; the architecture made it conductive to add new columns with ease.

Maoni0 commented 2 years ago

thanks! I would suggest to shorten the long names a bit just because if someone wants to display quite a few of these they are going to need a really wide window :) also I edited the descriptions a bit (this gave me a good opportunity to revise the description that exists in perfview). this is the edited table -

Column Name Full Name / Description Trace Event Property
suspension time (ms) The time in milliseconds that it took to suspend all threads to start this GC. For background GCs, we pause multiple times, so this value may be higher than for foreground GCs TraceGC.SuspendDurationMSec
% pause time The amount of time that execution in managed code is blocked because the GC needs exclusive use to the heap. For background GCs this is small TraceGC.PauseTimePercentageSinceLastGC
% CPU time Since the last GC, the GC CPU time divided by the total Process CPU time expressed as a percentage TraceGC.PercentTimeInGC
gen0 alloc (mb) Amount allocated in Gen0 since the last GC occurred in MB TraceGC.UserAllocated[(int)Gens.Gen0]
gen0 alloc rate The average allocation rate since the last GC (TraceGC.UserAllocated[(int)Gens.Gen0] * 1000.0) / TraceGC.DurationSinceLastRestartMSec
peak size (mb) The size on entry of this GC (includes fragmentation) in MB TraceGC.HeapSizePeakMB
after size (mb) The size on exit of thi sGC (includes fragmentation) in MB TraceGC.HeapSizeAfterMB
peak/after Peak / After TraceGC.HeapSizePeakMB / TraceGC.HeapSizeAfterMB
promoted (mb) Memory this GC promoted in MB TraceGC.PromotedMB
gen0 size (mb) Size of gen0 at the end of this GC in MB TraceGC.GenSizeAfterMB(Gens.Gen0)
gen0 survival rate The % of objects in Gen0 that survived this GC. TraceGC.SurvivalPercent(Gens.Gen0)
gen0 frag ratio The % of fragmentation on Gen0 at the end of this GC TraceGC.GenFragmentationPercent(Gens.Gen0)
gen1 size (mb) Size of gen1 at the end of this GC in MB TraceGC.GenSizeAfterMB(Gens.Gen1)
gen1 survival rate The % of objects in Gen1 that survived this GC. Only available if we are doing a gen1 GC. TraceGC.SurvivalPercent(Gens.Gen1)
gen1 frag ratio The % of fragmentation on Gen1 at the end of this GC TraceGC.GenFragmentationPercent(Gens.Gen1)
gen2 size (mb) Size of Gen2 in MB at the end of this GC. TraceGC.GenSizeAfterMB(Gens.Gen2)
gen2 survival rate The % of objects in Gen2 that survived this GC. Only available if we are doing a gen2 GC. TraceGC.SurvivalPercent(Gens.Gen2)
gen2 frag ratio The % of fragmentation on Gen2 at the end of this GC TraceGC.GenFragmentationPercent(Gens.Gen2)
LOH size (mb) Size of Large object heap (LOH) at the end of this GC in MB TraceGC.GenSizeAfterMB(Gens.LargeObj)
LOH survival rate The % of objects in the large object heap (LOH) that survived the GC. Only available if we are doing a gen2 GC TraceGC.SurvivalPercent(Gens.LargeObj)
LOH frag ratio The % of fragmentation on the large object heap (LOH) at the end of this GC TraceGC.GenFragmentationPercent(Gens.LargeObj)
finalize promoted (mb) The size of finalizable objects that were discovered to be dead and so promoted during this GC, in MB TraceGC.HeapStats.FinalizationPromotedSize / 1000000.0
pinned objects Number of pinned objects observed in this GC TraceGC.HeapStats.PinnedObjectCount
MokoSan commented 2 years ago

The monitor is looking much much better with the shorter names. :)


Unfortunately, couldn't start the name with a % so updated:

Do let me know if this doesn't work. Thanks for the feedback!

Maoni0 commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, couldn't start the name with a % so updated:

that's perfectly fine. thanks!

Maoni0 commented 2 years ago

this is wonderful, thank you so much 🙂