MapColonies / GEEDocker

Build and run Google Earth Enterprise with docker
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Imagery - Best Production #3

Open ssharon-rnd opened 4 years ago

ssharon-rnd commented 4 years ago

Production Features include

  1. Imagery Best service exposed as wms/wmts
  2. "Load first time the Best layer from the original GEE server"
  3. Production readiness includes 3.1. Monitoring - hook with splunk, Dashboards to display service health 3.2. Support instruction for know erros 3.3. DR between 2 site (passive active) 3.4. DevZone integration - swagger needs to be exposed at DevZone service 3.5. Load tests - TBD # of users and service level of agreement 3.6. Authentication and Authorization - not required at this phase 4 SLA - TBD

    Load Tests

    • GEE API shall be tested - wms, getCapabilities
    • Each test scenario shall include a report with mean average of response time
    • Each test scenario shall report server CPU and RAM usage over the test runtime
    • Each test shall report crash errors and exceptions that occurred at the test runtime
    • Test scenario shall run with 100/500/1000/3000/5000 user
    • Test scenario 1
      • get capabilities one request every 1 sec per user
      • test duration 5/60/600/ minutes
    • Test scenario 2
      • wms - configurable # of requests over configurable # sec per user
        • default to 10 Hz
      • WMS request shall randomize requested ROI
      • Test scenario shall test supported image response format as described at the WMS OGC standard
      • test duration 5/60/600/ minutes
ssharon-rnd commented 4 years ago

@asafMasa i updated with Noam's input

syncush commented 4 years ago

@ssharon-rnd You've opened this epic under conflict resolution, please move the issue to the correct repo

ssharon-rnd commented 4 years ago

@asafMasa @cl-shaharshavit-rnd

For our DevOps

Basic VM

load testing vm

and we'll need a shared folder storage for all source data and asset tree NAS storage via NFS acceptable

cl-shaharshavit-rnd commented 4 years ago

@ssharon-rnd please update the test requirements if we want to use random values (and what values to randomize) or completely repeatable test and if repeatable how it should be used with the lime limit

ssharon-rnd commented 4 years ago

@shaziri please fill load test