Thank you for your great work, I really enjoy and have fun with that on my project.
I have a 3d point cloud map constructed by lidar and I have a global localization module which is we loaded 3d point cloud map at somewhere and find a localization pose by scan matching. and start Localization.
what I want to do is set the pose of global localization to the init pose of your project and start its visual odometry.
I tried to do this work but because of my weak math knowledge, I m struggling with it.
can you point out where should I look and any recommendations?
Thank you for your great work, I really enjoy and have fun with that on my project.
I have a 3d point cloud map constructed by lidar and I have a global localization module which is we loaded 3d point cloud map at somewhere and find a localization pose by scan matching. and start Localization.
what I want to do is set the pose of global localization to the init pose of your project and start its visual odometry.
I tried to do this work but because of my weak math knowledge, I m struggling with it.
can you point out where should I look and any recommendations?
thank you!
have a nice day.