MapQuest / MapQuest-Mapnik-Style

MapQuest Branded style for use with Mapnik and OSM
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issues with ref tags #14

Open NE2 opened 12 years ago

NE2 commented 12 years ago

Louisiana has parishes rather than counties. So PR * should be treated like CR *. (But Puerto Rico should be cut out of this rule, I suppose.)

"Historic" is not being recognized as a banner: The US 395 shields are on what is tagged ref=US 395 HISTORIC.

And, most problematically, SR * (State Route/Road?) is now being rendered with a county rectangle rather than the correct state circle. While the overlaps are certainly nice, the wrong shield shape is bad. All the rectangles are tagged SR (state route) and should use the rounded rectangle.

On the plus side, I don't see any more error rounded rectangles for Interstates or U.S. Routes, but this may be a consequence of my recent post-"redaction" once-over that removed most spaces after semicolons. Keep up the good work; showing overlaps is important. And four-character routes are now displayed (not for county roads though?).