MapQuest / MapQuest-Mapnik-Style

MapQuest Branded style for use with Mapnik and OSM
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redundant fields/scaledenominators in US styles #2

Closed dwins closed 14 years ago

dwins commented 14 years ago

Some rules have repeated maxscaledenominators when I imagine they are intended to have one minscale- and one maxscale-denominator. There are also some places where the subquery in a "table" parameter defines the same field twice.

I've published corrections for both of these in dwins/MapQuest-Mapnik-Style@24e7f3c7d947dff737288dfac54af0567079b081 and dwins/MapQuest-Mapnik-Style@5306310cfa7ce90a457632601f59368e275f4f63 respectively.

dwins commented 14 years ago

as an aside - I found these issues while working on a tool to translate Mapnik styles to GeoServer configurations (no, I'm not inspecting all your styles by hand :). You might find it interesting - dwins/mapnik2geotools