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[OGR - WFS] SQL VRT with WFS #1101

Open tbonfort opened 12 years ago

tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Reporter: jlacroix Date: 2004/12/01 - 18:07

A VRT data source containing a SQL Query may have problem with WFS. If the SQL
query returns a binary field, OGR will return a gml file containing illegal
characters (Binary data).

For example, I have a MySQL query on a table (SELECT * FROM table1) that
contains a blob with binary data in it. When I try to query those data via WFS,
the gml returned by MapServer contains a tag
<geom>[insert_fuzzy_characters_here]</geom>. This make the WFS client (MapServer
again) to fail. A ogrinfo on the GML file returns:
Unable to open datasource
`/opt/fgs/tmp/ms_tmp//64b2afb384715e6ca9a49d6c393713e7.tmp.gml' with the
following drivers.

A proposed solution is to use CDATA in the XML. See:

Paul Spencer wrote:
AFAIK you can use CDATA in any XML document to indicate 'character data' inside
an element, it is used as follows:

<element><![CDATA[this is my data to be treated exactly as is, you can use
invalid characters like & < and > ...]]></element>

The only rules appears to be:

* the delimiter ']]>' must be continuous, no spaces, no linebreaks inside this

* you can't use ]]> inside a cdata
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: fwarmerdam Date: 2004/12/01 - 22:47


Could you attach information on how to produce a Mysql table that
demonstrates this problem?  With most databases the default select
on binary fields turns them into hex encoded text which is why I am
surprised you are running into this problem. 
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: jlacroix Date: 2004/12/02 - 20:39

Originally the geom field was a geometry field, butmy installation of MySQL does
not support this type so I changed it to blob.

CREATE TABLE `cimtLocations` (
  `locationID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  `lat` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `longitude` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `geom` blob,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`locationID`)

INSERT INTO `cimtLocations` VALUES (1, '2004-11-14 00:00:00', '40', '-99',
INSERT INTO `cimtLocations` VALUES (2, '2004-11-14 00:00:00', '-37.9275',
'-123', 0xe61000000101000000931804560e855ec01f85eb51b8764240);
INSERT INTO `cimtLocations` VALUES (3, '2004-11-14 00:00:00', '38.9273',
'-112.078', 0xe61000000101000000a245b6f3fd845ec058ca32c4b1764240);
INSERT INTO `cimtLocations` VALUES (4, '2004-11-14 00:00:00', '43.9272',
'-122.078', 0xe61000000101000000a245b6f3fd845ec0f46c567dae764240);
INSERT INTO `cimtLocations` VALUES (5, '2003-11-19 00:00:00', '56.9282',
'-64.082', 0xe610000001010000006891ed7c3f855ec0d712f241cf764240);
INSERT INTO `cimtLocations` VALUES (6, '2003-11-19 00:00:00', '76.928',
'-83.081', 0xe6100000010100000077be9f1a2f855ec0105839b4c8764240);
INSERT INTO `cimtLocations` VALUES (7, '2003-11-19 00:00:00', '26.9278',
'-102.08', 0xe6100000010100000085eb51b81e855ec0499d8026c2764240);
INSERT INTO `cimtLocations` VALUES (8, '2003-11-19 00:00:00', '26.9275',
'-92.08', 0xe6100000010100000085eb51b81e855ec01f85eb51b8764240);
INSERT INTO `cimtLocations` VALUES (9, '2003-11-19 00:00:00', '27.9273',
'-72.079', 0xe61000000101000000931804560e855ec058ca32c4b1764240);
INSERT INTO `cimtLocations` VALUES (10, '2003-11-19 00:00:00', '41.9272',
'-67.078', 0xe61000000101000000a245b6f3fd845ec0f46c567dae764240);
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: tomkralidis Date: 2009/03/11 - 00:47 Julien: is this still valid?

tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: nsavard Date: 2009/03/20 - 20:43

<?xml version='1.0' encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
        <gml:Box srsName="EPSG:4326">
            <gml:coordinates>-122.078000,26.927500 -67.078000,43.927200</gml:coordinates>

            <gml:Box srsName="EPSG:4326">
                <gml:coordinates>-99.000000,40.000000 -99.000000,40.000000</gml:coordinates>
        <gml:Point srsName="EPSG:4326">

        <ms:time>2004/11/14  0:00:00</ms:time>
        <ms:lat>          40</ms:lat>
        <ms:longitude>         -99</ms:longitude>

            <gml:Box srsName="EPSG:4326">
                <gml:coordinates>-112.078000,38.927300 -112.078000,38.927300</gml:coordinates>

        <gml:Point srsName="EPSG:4326">

        <ms:time>2004/11/14  0:00:00</ms:time>
        <ms:lat>          39</ms:lat>
        <ms:longitude>        -112</ms:longitude>

            <gml:Box srsName="EPSG:4326">
                <gml:coordinates>-122.078000,43.927200 -122.078000,43.927200</gml:coordinates>

        <gml:Point srsName="EPSG:4326">
        <ms:time>2004/11/14  0:00:00</ms:time>
        <ms:lat>          44</ms:lat>

        <ms:longitude>        -122</ms:longitude>

            <gml:Box srsName="EPSG:4326">
                <gml:coordinates>-102.080000,26.927800 -102.080000,26.927800</gml:coordinates>
        <gml:Point srsName="EPSG:4326">

        <ms:time>2003/11/19  0:00:00</ms:time>
        <ms:lat>          27</ms:lat>
        <ms:longitude>        -102</ms:longitude>

            <gml:Box srsName="EPSG:4326">
                <gml:coordinates>-92.080000,26.927500 -92.080000,26.927500</gml:coordinates>

        <gml:Point srsName="EPSG:4326">
        <ms:time>2003/11/19  0:00:00</ms:time>

        <ms:lat>          27</ms:lat>
        <ms:longitude>         -92</ms:longitude>

            <gml:Box srsName="EPSG:4326">
                <gml:coordinates>-72.079000,27.927300 -72.079000,27.927300</gml:coordinates>
        <gml:Point srsName="EPSG:4326">

        <ms:time>2003/11/19  0:00:00</ms:time>
        <ms:lat>          28</ms:lat>

        <ms:longitude>         -72</ms:longitude>

            <gml:Box srsName="EPSG:4326">
                <gml:coordinates>-67.078000,41.927200 -67.078000,41.927200</gml:coordinates>
        <gml:Point srsName="EPSG:4326">

        <ms:time>2003/11/19  0:00:00</ms:time>
        <ms:lat>          42</ms:lat>
        <ms:longitude>         -67</ms:longitude>

<?xml version='1.0' encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?>
<!DOCTYPE ServiceExceptionReport SYSTEM "">
<ServiceExceptionReport version="1.1.0">
msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named &#39;cimtlocations&#39;.
msWFSLayerWhichShapes(): WFS connection error. WFS request produced unexpected output (junk?) for layer cimtlocations.
msBuildWFSLayerPostRequest(): WFS connection error. MapServer supports only WFS 1.0.0 or 0.0.14 (please verify the version metadata wfs_version).
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: nsavard Date: 2009/03/20 - 21:05 Ref comment:1

The gml in the first part of the previous comment produces the service exception report of the second part. The request that generated the gml is: and the request that generated the service exception is: http://localhost:9090/cgi-bin/mswfs_client_ticket1101?service=wms&version=1.1.0&request=getmap&layers=cimtlocations&srs=EPSG:4326&bbox=-180.0,-90.0,180.0,90.0&format=image/png&width=400&height=300 .

The sql database does not have a password. The command line to verify the mysql database is: ogrinfo MySQL:ticket1101,user=nsavard,host=localhost,port=3306 tables=cimtLocations -al. The command line to access the database is: mysql -D ticket1101 -u nsavard -h localhost .

Add the following symbolic links in the /path/to/fgs/www/cgi-bin directory:

mswfs_client_ticket1101 -> /home/nsavard/products/mapserver/bugs_testing/mswfs_client_ticket1101
mswfs_ticket1101 -> /home/nsavard/products/mapserver/bugs_testing/mswfs_ticket1101

If you get the following error when accessing mysql database, add a symbolic link from /tmp/mysql.sock to /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysqld.sock' (2)

This error occurs because mysql server is listening on /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock but mysql client is sending the data on /tmp/mysql.sock. It happens within fgs environment.

I'll attach the map files, the sql dump and the virtual data file.