MapServer / MapServer-import

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Crash with Scalebar #1264

Open tbonfort opened 12 years ago

tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Reporter: Date: 2005/03/02 - 08:41

after ours of test I've delimited the crash on LABEL in the map file.
When I comment out the LABEL section, it never crash.
  FONT myTime # configured by the FONSET TAG
  COLOR 255 0 0
  SIZE 10
The same mapserver site is running perfectly on Linux mpaserver 4.1.
Thanks a lot
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: Date: 2005/03/02 - 10:10

In the Readme.txt I've added the two scale level
at witch it works and it crashes.
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: Date: 2005/03/02 - 10:58

Type of shape file is Polygon (not Line) but it
still crash anyway
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: Date: 2005/03/07 - 10:12

After many other tests, I've narrowed the problem to the scalebar
and reference map. Uncommenting scalebar object in the .map file
makes mapserver to crash without any apparently reason. 
Here's the .map scalebar config:
  IMAGECOLOR 241 239 226
    COLOR 0 0 0
  SIZE 350 5
  COLOR 255 255 255
  UNITS meters
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: sdlime Date: 2005/03/07 - 17:16

What does the whole mapfile look like? What calls to MapServer cause the crash? 
Do you have a URL, script or something? Where'd you get the win32 build?

tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: Date: 2005/03/07 - 17:53

Hi Steve,
I have attached the entire .map file.
I have found that without the reference and scalebar objects it never crashes.
I have send in the first attachement the files to reproduce the crash. (but I
think this is not enough since there is no reference and scalebar i it)
I have no external link to the demo, sorry.
I've installed the 4.4.1 for win32 from mapserver site.
Thanks for help.
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: sdlime Date: 2005/03/07 - 18:13

What does a crash look like? Server 500 error, segfault or what? How are you 
triggering a crash, via CGI or mapscript? Do you have sample URLs?

You might want to take this to the MapServer user mailing list too.

tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: Date: 2005/03/10 - 10:35

>What does a crash look like? Server 500 error, segfault or what? 
The crash on win32 just shows the normal crash windows of the mapserver.exe
and the Apache Logs (where I redirects MS_ERRORFILE) only shows a "Premature end
of script headers: mapserver.exe". Nothing else.

>How are you 
>triggering a crash, via CGI or mapscript? 
It's via CGI.
If I comment REFERENCE and SCALEBAR in the .map file, everything goes perfectly.
The problem is with the creation of those images. See previous comments for
configuation of scalebar in the .map file.

>Do you have sample URLs?
Unfortunetly no on windows. This application works perfectly on linux 

>You might want to take this to the MapServer user mailing list too
Done, with no success.
Thanks for help.
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: sdlime Date: 2005/03/11 - 21:07

I can't really test Windows-only bugs so I've CC'd the DMSolutions guys in 
hopes they might have to look too.

tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: assefa Date: 2005/03/14 - 21:50

Hi There,

 I just tried the test data/url and It did effectivly crashed on windows. Not 
sure what the exact reason is but the crash happened when reading the 
shapefile. Maybe the data or a certain record (could be record 6935 or one 
record below or above) is corrupted somehow but I did not investigate more. I 
used ogr2ogr to recreate the data and I have attached it here. It works fine 
with this new data
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: Date: 2005/03/15 - 10:17

thanks for your help.
Effectively I've tried your new shape and it works perfectly with the scalebar,
but still crash with the reference map.
I really do not understand why. I'm trying to make more tests to find it out.
Since I'm not able to recreate the crash only with the test data/url I posted
previously and I receive the same crash error with reference map, I should find
out a way to reproduce the error or find out myelf where is the bug in my entire
application (java).

3 questions:
1.Did you rebuilt the shape file only with the command 
>ogr2ogr  -f "ESRI Shapefile" lotti2.shp lotti.shp< ?
2. How did you trace out that the crash was when querying the shape file at
record 6935?
3. What is the best way (since error logs do not give enough informations) to
find out my bug?
Thanks again, Roger
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: assefa Date: 2005/03/21 - 20:12


 1.Did you rebuilt the shape file only with the command 
>ogr2ogr  -f "ESRI Shapefile" lotti2.shp lotti.shp< ?


2. How did you trace out that the crash was when querying the shape file at
record 6935?

 I was in the MS VC++ debugger. If the application is built in debug mode when
Mapserver crashes, I can open the debugger and see the line where it crashed. 
It was trying to access that record at the time.

3. What is the best way (since error logs do not give enough informations) to
find out my bug?

 Either use a debugger or prepare me a url like last time for me to reproduce 
the crash easiliy. Can you reproduce it with a simple data/map file ?

 Note that since the last bug was related to the data, I would look in that 
direction first. I might be wrong but the scalebar and legend might not be in 
fault here.
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: sdlime Date: 2006/08/23 - 04:37

Does anyone know if this is still an issue these days? I'd like to clear out
these older bugs if possible.

tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: assefa Date: 2006/08/23 - 14:53

I would say close it and if there are problemes, Roger can open a new bug. It
has been a while since this bug had no activities.
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: sdlime Date: 2006/08/23 - 19:58

Closing for now, marking as fixed although I don't know that's the case...
