> Having seen your excellent web page on SDLs
> (http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/doc44/sld-howto.html), I wonder if you
> could advise me on how I can features differently, based upon spatial
> location. An example would be showing schools as red points within a
> particular bounding box, whereas outside the bounding box, they would
> appear black.
> The WMS specification alludes to it, but doesnt provide a concrete
> example, that I can see.
Hi There,
Check at these urls (and the slds) : it will give you an idea on how to acheive
that. Basically you need to do it in 2 separate requests :
* first request is a regular wms get map request all all elements drawn in
the default way that you want (an sld might me used or not)
* the second request will use an sld with a filter encoding bbox element that
will only select elements inside a region and draw them accoring to waht is
defined in the sld.
Reporter: jmckenna@dmsolutions.ca Date: 2005/03/14 - 16:12