MapServer / MapServer-import

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Memory access error with oraclespatial multipolygons #2056

Open tbonfort opened 12 years ago

tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Reporter: Date: 2007/04/03 - 09:02

Drawing multipolygon geometries with connectiontype oraclespatial throws a 
memory access error. Tested with mapserver 4.8.3, 4.10.0 and 4.10.1 on Windows 
2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003 server.
Polygons with holes works fine.
Using OGR also works, but I can't use oracle views with it so is useless for me.
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: Date: 2007/04/03 - 21:52

Hi Michele
    I will need to do some questions to help me to find the problem and solve
it. If you preffer you can contact me directly by e-mail, but with the bugzilla
we can store the steps.
    About the system:
       What is the version of Oracle Spatial that are you using? 
       Did you compiled the Mapserver or downloaded it?
    About objects:
       Can you send examples of the objects that are generating the problem?
       What kind of the objects that you already test?
       How did you import it in database? Shape?
    About the error:
       How occurs the error? Any special action?
       What is the message of the error?
    I believe that these questions will help to find the source of the problem.
    Best regards from Brazil.
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: Date: 2007/04/05 - 10:12

Sorry for the delay, I've a lot of work to manage.
I have tested with Oracle Spatial 8.1.7 and Oracle 10g.
I've downloaded mapserver from the site, distribution ms4w 2.2.3. Not tested 
with Linux because I can't compile with oracle drivers (for the moment; I'm 
using Gentoo Linux which gives me enough flexibility).
Oracle Spatial data has been imported by Geomedia Professional.

I've tested mapserver with polygons, lines and points but in the future we 
wish to use mapserver intesively: we have data in Oracle, DGN, tiff, ecw and 
Integraph Smartstore (totally over 100 features, 70G) and we want to migrate 
to mapserver because it handles transparencies and WFS maps (Geomedia WebMap 
doesn't support them). Moreoever Geomedia WebMap support for oracle is rather 

A shapefile with geometries for testing is attached; the two polygons at left 
are original, while right polygon is a test. I've also included an example map 
for testing.
I've spend more time testing ogr driver and now I can draw multipolygons, but 
ogr seems not draw point geometries (???) which driver oraclespatial handles 
tbonfort commented 12 years ago

Author: fsimon Date: 2007/08/01 - 20:22 I committed the code with the fix in the SVN this afternoon. The revision is 6435. The problem was not relate with memory, was relate with gtype translation of the objects. If the problem persist you can reopen the bug. Best regards.