MapWindow / MapWindow5

MW5 is a desktop GIS which is extendable using the plug-in architecture. It is using the MapWinGIS mapping control and is created from scratch in 2015 using new technologies like MEF and Dependency Injection making it small in size, robust and fast.
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Access Shapefile Attributes #4

Closed dhuantes closed 7 years ago

dhuantes commented 7 years ago

I'm currently porting a MapWindow4 Plugin that had code that would look for a specific field name in the shapefile. The general code flow is shown below

MapWinGIS.Shapefile l_sfi = null;
l_sfi = m_mapWin.Layers[i].GetObject() as MapWingGIS.Shapefile;
if (l_sfi.get_Field(0).Name.CompareTo("Name I'm Looking for") == 0)
   //Do something

How is this supposed to be done with MW5? I ask because the I'm now using the IAppContext to gain access to the Layers but ILayer does not have a GetObject method and also not sure whether Shapefile is still part of MapWinGIS or not. I'm sure I'll find it but figured I'd ask now just in case I don't. My reference is the plugin example codes that include the PluginTemplate. Thanks!

dhuantes commented 7 years ago

Ok... I figured out that each Layer has a FeatureSet property this the Shapefile. I used the MW5.Plugins.TableEditor as my guide. Was able to update quite a bit of code with that knowledge and now am trying to figure out the replacement for the Shapefile.get_CellValue(int,int). So if you know that answer that would be helpful too... But I'll run it down eventually too...:-D...

dhuantes commented 7 years ago

OK.. Figured that one out too.... The FeatureSet has a Table Property and the Table object provides access to the CellValue. Getting there...