Maprunner / rg2

Updated user interface for Routegadget
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ID problems #473

Open laverastit opened 4 years ago

laverastit commented 4 years ago


I have problems with id:s. When I am making new event to the Routegadget it begins to make id:s from the beginning (1) although there are already events which are made before. So the result is that I get duplicate results and the map is not right one. The right id for the next event should be 24 no 1... and so on. Unfortunately some runners have already drawed their routes but I have deleted the events so the routes are in kartat-folder but not visible. How can I solve these problems? Can I somehowe myself change the running id to right one (24)?

Maprunner commented 4 years ago

The id is calculated from the kisat.txt file in the kartat. The new id is simply the last id in kisat.txt plus one.

After some testing it looks like it is possible to get an id of 1 if there are two consecutivee blank rows in the file. I can't see any reason why this would ever happen unless somone has editted the file manually.

Please can you post a link to your site and I can have a look. If you can also send me your kisat.txt file it would help.

In theory it is possible to manually edit file names to correct this. Any file name that ends _1.txt needs to be changed to end _24.txt. You would also need to edit the kisat.txt file so that event 24 was the last line. I would recommend backing everything up before you try this.