Maps4HTML / HTML-Map-Element-UseCases-Requirements

Use cases and requirements for Maps on the Web
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Reference list of missing issues for use cases and capabilities #110

Closed Malvoz closed 4 years ago

Malvoz commented 4 years ago

In the hope of potentially saving you guys some time, I've been going through the spec for use cases and capabilities that do not link to an issue for discussion, and I've also tried to find the corresponding issue in any case there is one but it just hasn't been linked to from the spec.

Edit: Things TBD as listed below have been updated to reflect changes in:,,,,

These examples have broken links to corresponding use cases in the spec:

These issues aren't properly linking to their corresponding section in the spec, e.g.:

This issue is for discussion of <link>.

is missing, or have a broken link:

Items in

These use cases and capabilities are currently not linking to a corresponding github issue (perhaps because no such issue exist yet):

AmeliaBR commented 4 years ago

Yes, this is the intention. It has been on my To-do for a while to go through & find the missing cross-links. So thank you for the reference list! I will try to get to these this week.

Malvoz commented 4 years ago

Edit: Updated to reflect changes in:,

Additionally, most issues about use cases and capabilities point to the corresponding section in the spec (e.g. "This issue is for discussion of <link>") - I've found that many of these links aren't working anymore (some of these don't link to the spec at all, in some cases because there is no such section yet):

These examples link back to relevant sections of the spec, I've found that they have broken links (in some cases because no such section exist in the spec yet):

Malvoz commented 4 years ago

@AmeliaBR I've updated the lists above to reflect the changes made in And regarding the (new) examples that link back to use cases, many of the links are broken because they don't include some determiners while the ids for the use case sections do. For example:

The show-vector-data-overlay-map.html example links to #use-case-show-vector-data-overlay-map while the id for that section is use-case-show-a-vector-data-overlay-on-a-map. Would you rather change the ids in the spec, or the links from the examples in these cases?

AmeliaBR commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the updates @Malvoz. Yes, I'm still working on going through the rest of the links; that commit was just the first batch. But… it looks like I messed up in a few cases, by not including the use-case- prefix on the link back to the spec from the example page. I'll review that.

I've also been simplifying the IDs as I go (to make it less likely that these little discrepancies will slip through), so for your example, probably both of those will end up changed!

Once I've done a full pass, I'll run the whole thing through a link checker & make sure we get this all tidied up.

AmeliaBR commented 4 years ago

OK, I think I've fixed the broken links and filled in the missing discussion issues for all the use-case sections (as of

Ran the main document through the W3C link checker, so at least I am sure that the links out of the report are OK. (Well, except for links to GitHub, since the link checker is blocked by robots.txt! But it's more likely that those are valid links but to the wrong issue rather than dead links, anyway!)

I still need to do another pass for editorial/content clean-up and standardizing the examples, so I'll double check the back-references (from the example files to the report) at that time.

Next step: missing issues for the capabilities section. Also: avoid breaking things again as we fill in additional sections!

Malvoz commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I've updated all the lists! :)

I resorted to removing things in the checklists that have been finished instead of checking the boxes, for an easier overview of what needs TBD.

Malvoz commented 4 years ago

The list has been updated per changes in

Malvoz commented 4 years ago

These use cases and capabilities are currently not linking to a corresponding github issue (perhaps because no such issue exist yet):


I'd like to open issues for all the cases where there is none yet, and also cross reference them from the spec afterwards. Is that okay with you?

I'm not permitted to label issues - so I could add a follow-up comment on which labels for you to set to save you time, then I'd delete those comments at any time you've set the corresponding label(s).

AmeliaBR commented 4 years ago

Hi @Malvoz, If you want to go ahead and make the rest of the missing discussion pages, I would be grateful. I haven't had nearly as much time & energy for this project as I'd like this past month, and your contributions are definitely appreciated.

I've granted you Triage permissions for the repo, so you should be able to add any labels as required. But if you're not sure about any of the details, just ping me in a comment.

nchan0154 commented 4 years ago

Seconding the gratitude, @Malvoz! I have been meaning to go through these but I'm dealing with a bad case of RSI at the moment and repetitive clicking actions like making issues en-masse are difficult. Your assistance here would be much appreciated!

Malvoz commented 4 years ago

@AmeliaBR "Take my energy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ" 😄

Thanks for allowing me to do this!

And thank you @nchan0154 for the kind words, too!

AmeliaBR commented 4 years ago


I admit, I had one moment of panic when I saw the 30+ notification emails. Then I realized what they all were & “Hooray!”

Thanks again. It is very great to have those links ready before the big TPAC meeting, when we'll be trying to get new people looking at the report & starting discussions.

Malvoz commented 4 years ago

@AmeliaBR, @prushforth, @nchan0154, @NickFitz When you find that you have some time... (although this shouldn't take very long)

I think it's important (particularly for newcomers) that the issues for discussion properly link to their respective section in the report. Since refactoring some time ago, quite a few of the URLs have changed for certain sections of the report, thus they'll need to be updated - in some cases there is no link at all.

But this is all done below, so as issue owners you'll just have to edit your initial comment in each of those issues and copy & paste to include at the top:


Done! #### Issue [#12]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the reference tool "Mapbox GL JS API and Mapbox Studio embed".
``` #### Issue [#13]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the reference tool "D3 Geographies APIs".
``` #### Issue [#26]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the reference tool "OpenStreetMap embeds".
``` #### Issue [#27]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the reference tool "Bing Maps embeds and Bing Maps Control API".
``` #### Issue [#28]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the reference tool "MapKit JS (Apple Maps) API".
``` #### Issue [#29]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the reference tool "Leaflet.js API".
``` #### Issue [#30]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the reference tool "OpenLayers API".


Done! #### Issue [#3]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the map viewer capability "Reproject map tile data into a new projection or globe view".
``` #### Issue [#9]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the reference tool "Google Maps embeds and Google Maps Platform API".
``` #### Issue [#14]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the map viewer capability "Display map tiles defined in various common coordinate systems".
``` #### Issue [#15]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the map viewer capability "Apply custom styling to map markers and vector features".
``` #### Issue [#16]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the map viewer capability "Toggle whether default controls are displayed".
``` #### Issue [#21]( Please change the title of this issue to: "_Access additional information about a point on the map_".


Done! #### Issue [#50]( ```HTML This issue is for general discussions of the "Client-side Mapping API Capabilities".
``` #### Issue [#55]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the API capability "Create, initialise, and display a map".
``` #### Issue [#57]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the API capability "Implement a custom control".
``` #### Issue [#74]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the required API capability "Define a data source for a tile layer".
``` #### Issue [#81]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the use case "Provide alternative map layers which the user can select".


Done! #### Issue [#49]( ```HTML This issue is for discussion of the reference tool "TomTom Maps SDK for Web".
NickFitz commented 4 years ago

@Malvoz I've just done mine, including editing the title for a couple of them to match the section they refer to where the wording of that's changed.

Thanks for your work on this!

Malvoz commented 4 years ago



I had actually missed updating the link for #74, I've updated it now, could you redo that one?

NickFitz commented 4 years ago

@Malvoz No problem, done :-)

nchan0154 commented 4 years ago

Done, thank you @Malvoz!

prushforth commented 4 years ago

Thank you Robert, you are a great collaborator! Done.

prushforth commented 4 years ago

I did @ameliabr's too, cause she's either busy or asleep. I hope that's not bad github etiquette? I was on a roll in an airport lounge...

Malvoz commented 4 years ago

Thanks Peter!

Regarding issue - I had missed to include "Use Case:" in its title, it should rather be: "Use case: Access additional information about a point on the map".

And in you can remove the outdated reference:

Relevant section:

now that you've added the new reference.

Again, thanks, for doing both yours and Amelia's. This is great! Safe travels! 😄

AmeliaBR commented 4 years ago

Thanks Peter & Robert!

When I came up with this idea of using GitHub issues for section-by-section discussion, I did not think about all the extra work of keeping them in sync as the document gets re-written and re-organized!

Malvoz commented 4 years ago

The example pages have been revamped some time ago, and will need more work but I no longer consider them (or them not linking properly to the spec) "broken", closing this. Thanks for all your help! :)