Maps4HTML / HTML-Map-Element-UseCases-Requirements

Use cases and requirements for Maps on the Web
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Capability: Hide or show content outside the map display #239

Open Malvoz opened 3 years ago

Malvoz commented 3 years ago

Given the content-rich nature of map viewers, I believe there's precedent for all content outside the map display to be hidden from the user by default, and only exposed (to ATs and in the tab order) once panned into view. This is different from how regular overflowing elements work, where content is always available to the user, and can be sequentially navigated/scrolled into view.

(The capability "Hide or show (and maybe dynamically load) vector features and labels on zoom" is closely related in that content is exposed (loaded) on user navigation, should it be modified to accommodate for the above, or does it make more sense for this to be a separate capability?)

However in some cases the content outside of the map display is relevant to the user, for example when presenting a route from location A to location B, where B is outside of the map display it should probably be exposed to the user in some fashion.

This is seemingly an essential capability, I suggest labelling as requirement.

I haven't yet had the time to look into which resources exist for the reviewed tools to enable such functionality, but take a regular Leaflet map with 5000 markers (source), the result is the equal amount of elements in the tab order – No bueno.

prushforth commented 3 years ago

A related use case might be client side Ctrl-F (find) where the user can search for a string in rendered text, and the browser will autoscroll to the matching content.

In any case, this highlights that the rendering of map content is a different but related problem to rendering document content.

Should the hide/show not depend on how the content is marked up by the domain? Sometimes map content is important enough to have a tab stop associated (e.g. a step in navigation directions), sometimes it's purely visual. Seems to me that this is related also to Brandon Biggs assertion during his workshop panel and presentation that feature content should always have a name property. So maybe, on the flip side, unimportant content should never have a name property, and perhaps is not worth even serving a representation of?

Malvoz commented 3 years ago

A related use case might be client side Ctrl-F (find) where the user can search for a string in rendered text, and the browser will autoscroll to the matching content.

I don't want to speculate on how much/which content outside of the map display and under what circumstances should be available to ATs, but there's some potentially related work (the low level primitive?) on content-visibility: hidden-matchable by CSSWG:

prushforth commented 3 years ago

but there's some potentially related work (the low level primitive?) on content-visibility: hidden-matchable by CSSWG: w3c/csswg-drafts#5595

You make the greatest finds, Robert.