Maps4HTML / MapML-Specification

Map Markup Language is hypertext for Web maps, like HTML is hypertext for Web pages
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Remove or fully specify the `<image>` element #216

Closed prushforth closed 1 year ago

prushforth commented 3 years ago

I note that there is still an image element, although it's not really specified properly. I think we should remove it until we're ready to design it a little bit more. Probably don't want another image element in HTML anyway TBD.

Malvoz commented 3 years ago

There are related comments in that are worth mentioning:

  • image: the HTML parser treats <image> as a macro and changes it to <img>. New element name?

Maybe img? Map images aren't that different from regular images, and instead of extending the set of elements we apply the same re-use of existing semantics but update the rendering model?

It may be better to have a new name as to not be confused with the <img usemap=""> element (