Maps4HTML / MapML-Specification

Map Markup Language is hypertext for Web maps, like HTML is hypertext for Web pages
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Problems with reusing the map element #97

Open zcorpan opened 4 years ago

zcorpan commented 4 years ago

I see some problems with reusing the map element as currently specified:

Benefits to using map:

A new element name that doesn't show up in httparchive (check with - via ) has these benefits:

If you want to change the model to actually reuse map's existing model, you would extend img to support panning and zooming and so on, and keep map as a "provides data" element. But I haven't thought about the implications of that yet.

prushforth commented 4 years ago

I had thought that the future progressive behavior could be triggered by the presence of the lat, long and zoom attributes. Also, if those attributes were present, and an img associated via selection based on its usemap attribute, the IMG could be used as the first map layer i.e.pannable/zoom able

If a new element name is chosen, we will need to design how the new element behaves in, say ie 6, or any non conforming browser, since it will be likely that it takes time, perhaps years, to roll out across all browsers. That's one reason I imagined that IMG/MAP/ AREA could be useful, if we plan for them to provide a useful fallback. More later if I think of something.

zcorpan commented 4 years ago

I had thought that the future progressive behavior could be triggered by the presence of the lat, long and zoom attributes.

OK, attribute based switches are simpler than children-based switches, but is still more complex than an element that is "always on".

Also, if those attributes were present, and an img associated via selection based on its usemap attribute, the IMG could be used as the first map layer i.e.pannable/zoom able

How would that work? The img and the map would both show the same image? The processing seems to not be defined in the spec.

A new element behaves like span in current browsers. Like video, content could be placed in the element for providing something for browsers that don't support the new feature. Or it can be feature-checked in JS and be replaced with one of the existing map solutions.

I'm not sure img/map/area is really a useful fallback for web maps. I expect a JS-based web map to be used if the feature is not supported. But it would still be possible to use img/map/area as fallback of a new element.

prushforth commented 4 years ago

OK, attribute based switches are simpler than children-based switches, but is still more complex than an element that is "always on".

Understood. Not to give too little weight to implementer-borne complexity putting the whole project at risk, but should we look at this in terms of the priority of constituencies?

Also, if those attributes were present, and an img associated via selection based on its usemap attribute, the IMG could be used as the first map layer i.e.pannable/zoom able

How would that work? The img and the map would both show the same image? The processing seems to not be defined in the spec.

No, it's not defined yet. I experimented a little with it though: here's an example in which, IIRC, I immediately deleted or suppressed the img element, and turned the area elements into layers which are then available on the layer control.

It needs further thought, and experimentation, not to mention agreement, before specifying, but I think another approach might be to turn the set of img/area elements into a single composite layer that would pan/zoom +/- two or three zoom levels (by scaling the image and areas). The author could decide whether to add other layers in their script, based on feature detection.

Like video, content could be placed in the element for providing something for browsers that don't support the new feature.

Yes. I believe that when video was being developed, it was seeking to replace Flash objects, and the advice at that time, IIRC was to place a Flash player object in the element as a fallback. So, you still got a video, even if you had to rely on Flash to achieve it.

Or it can be feature-checked in JS and be replaced with one of the existing map solutions. I'm not sure img/map/area is really a useful fallback for web maps. I expect a JS-based web map to be used if the feature is not supported.

Yeah, I guess it could. This requires experimentation as well. You would not get the benefit of having a script-free map if you had to include the scripts for a mapping framework, not to mention you would have to know the framework pretty well to achieve it. I was hoping to achieve a Web platform-centric proposal.

But it would still be possible to use img/map/area as fallback of a new element.

Would be good but it's not responsive. Also, would have to delete/hide all that stuff either automatically (i.e. the browser would have to be involved, which to be fair I am proposing, but haven't worked out the details completely enough to specify) or with script, which doesn't seem to be too graceful.

Malvoz commented 4 years ago

I had thought that the future progressive behavior could be triggered by the presence of the lat, long and zoom attributes.

OK, attribute based switches are simpler than children-based switches, but is still more complex than an element that is "always on".

For non-geographic content it doesn't make sense to require most/all the aforementioned attributes, see

prushforth commented 4 years ago

I had thought that the future progressive behavior could be triggered by the presence of the lat, long and zoom attributes.

OK, attribute based switches are simpler than children-based switches, but is still more complex than an element that is "always on".

For non-geographic content it doesn't make sense to require most/all the aforementioned attributes, see

Unsure where to respond. For non-geographic content, we need to provide a standard coordinate system that works the same as the geographic coordinate systems, and probably one that is numerically identical to that called "WGS84" in the MapML proposal, but perhaps under another name - TBD. In any case, the starting conditions of a map in that coordinate system need a point to define the location of the centre of the map, as well as a zoom level. In a non-geographic CS, you would have to ensure that the tiles and zoom levels of content you create match the definition of this coordinate system, so that you would benefit from the responsive (pan/zoom) behaviour kicked off by the new element ([map/other] w lat/lon/zoom attributes). In either case (geographic or non-geographic), zoom is a common property of the map. Only the axis names are different from latitude/longitude. That might be a bit confusing for users, I agree, which might be reason enough to create a new alias for WGS84 with different axis names. But, the behaviour of a map would be the same.

To step back a bit, one of the major inhibitors of geospatial interoperability is lack of, or complexity involved in transforming among, common coordinate system definitions. MapML skirts this problem by providing the common coordinate system definitions within its definition, and by more or less suggesting that coordinate transformation of layer content from one TCRS to another is not recommended or desired; either provide content in the TCRS of the map, or resign to the fact that it can't be mashed up.

By "geospatial interoperability" I mean the ability to overlay, or mash up, layers from different sources so that they can be compared / visualized within a single coordinate space, on a map. I don't know how much of that consideration applies to non-geospatial maps, but the concept of layers of non-geospatial content is still potentially valuable, and common too, I believe.

In sum, you still need a map centre coordinate and a zoom level value to locate the map's starting condition, regardless of what you call the axes. lat/lon are common and potentially "good enough" as attributes of the (map) element YMMV.

Malvoz commented 4 years ago

Accessibility issue with polyfilling the map element:

Malvoz commented 2 years ago

Accessibility issue with polyfilling the map element: w3c/html-aam#292.

Another issue I came across, which may just be a result of NVDA following the rules in, which is that role="application" (works well and is needed for multiple reasons on the <mapml-viewer> polyfill) is not applicable to <map> and so the interactive elements in the <map> polyfill aren't keyboard operable using a screen reader.