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EnumMappingStrategy not working on individual mapping. #402

Open mishael-o opened 2 years ago

mishael-o commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have tried to configure EnumMappingStrategy on individual mapping via the static and instance objects but it has no effect on the mapping.

TypeAdapterConfig<SimplePoco, SimpleDto>.NewConfig().EnumMappingStrategy(EnumMappingStrategy.ByName);

config.NewConfig<SimplePoco, SimpleDto>().EnumMappingStrategy(EnumMappingStrategy.ByName)

However it works when I set it globally, which is not the desired config I want. Is there something I am missing or is this a bug?

navccdb commented 2 years ago

I'm seeing this as well. Version 7.2 .Net Framework 4.8

using Mapster;

using Xunit;

namespace AdaptTests
    public class EnumMappingTests
        public void Doesnt_Work_Per_Type()

            TypeAdapterConfig<MyClassOne, MyClassTwo>
                .Map(two => two.That, one => one.This)


        public void Works_When_Setting_Globally()

            TypeAdapterConfig<MyClassOne, MyClassTwo>
                .Map(two => two.That, one => one.This);


        private static void TestEnumAdapt()
            TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.RequireExplicitMapping = true;

            var myClassOne = new MyClassOne
                This = OneThing.TheMatchingOne

            var myClassTwo = myClassOne.Adapt<MyClassTwo>();

            Assert.Equal(TwoThing.TheMatchingOne, myClassTwo.That);

        public class MyClassOne
            public OneThing This { get; set; }

        public class MyClassTwo
            public TwoThing That { get; set; }

    public enum TwoThing
        TheMatchingOne = 1000,
        Nah = 2000,
        Rah = 3000

    public enum OneThing
        Rah = 0,
        TheMatchingOne = 21,
        Nah = 200
spiritelf commented 2 years ago

bug? i have same question

spiritelf commented 2 years ago


satano commented 1 year ago

EnumMappingStrategy works correctly. The problem is, that you cannot set it on configuration for those classes. It does not make sense, because there may be many different enum properties there and probably you do not want to map all of them by name. You have to set EnumMappingStrategy for enum types you want it to work for (and probably you want to set it for both directions). So the correct settings is:

TypeAdapterConfig<OneThing, TwoThing>
TypeAdapterConfig<TwoThing, OneThing>
DocSvartz commented 10 months ago

@andrerav EnumAdapter child of PrimitiveAdapter and also do not support Custom Mapping. This is not a bug but rather a feature request @satano you're right. You can definitely install it. But it will only work when Mapping will occur from Enum to Enum for which this setting is set.