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ConstructUsing for generic types doesn't work #507

Open omerercelik opened 1 year ago

omerercelik commented 1 year ago

TypeAdapterConfig<PagedList<ExampleEntity>, PagedList<ExampleDto>>.ForType().ConstructUsing(dest => new PagedList<ExampleDto>(new List<ExampleDto>(), 1, 1)); = > its work

TypeAdapterConfig<PagedList<Type>, PagedList<Type>>.ForType().ConstructUsing(dest => new PagedList<Type>(new List<Type>(), 1, 1)); it doesn't work and throw Exception

Exception => System.InvalidOperationException : No default constructor for type 'PagedList`1', please use 'ConstructUsing' or 'MapWith'

pagedlist constructors;

    `public PagedList(IEnumerable<T> items, int page, int size)
        : this(items.AsQueryable(), page, size)

    public PagedList(IEnumerable<T> items, int page, int size, int itemCount)
        BindItems(page, size, itemCount);
        Items = items;

    public PagedList(IQueryable<T> items, int page, int size)
        var itemCount = items.Count();
        BindItems(page, size, itemCount);

        Items = items.PagedBy(page, size).ToList();
    } `
andrerav commented 1 year ago

@omerercelik Which version of Mapster are you using?

omerercelik commented 1 year ago

@andrerav I am using 7.3.0

DocSvartz commented 10 months ago

@omerercelik You can set Full sample of this case. propably i found the source of this problem )

DocSvartz commented 10 months ago

@andrerav This seems to be related to the reason why the tests I commented out in this do not work #646 . the same error is generated there. I made a simplified version of the bypass previously installed in the class adapter and then there was no error.

DocSvartz commented 10 months ago

TypeAdapterConfig<PagedList<Type>, PagedList<Type>>.ForType().ConstructUsing(dest => new PagedList<Type>(new List<Type>(), 1, 1)); it doesn't work and throw Exception

If Type is System.Type? then as far as I understand it cannot be created. This can only be obtained. typeof(), .Gettype()

valid Generic definition possible must look like as typeof(PagedList<>), and mapping from this and mapping for this should be supported endofpage

TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.ForType(typeof(GenericPoco<>), typeof(GenericDto<>))
    .Map("value", "Value");
omerercelik commented 10 months ago

TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings.ForType(typeof(GenericPoco<>), typeof(GenericDto<>)) Does not have ConstructUsing definition. @DocSvartz When I use this syntax i can not use ConstructUsing method.

How can I use contructusing method in generic classes? Or How can i skip this error when generic class have one more constructor?

Exception => System.InvalidOperationException : No default constructor for type 'PagedList`1', please use 'ConstructUsing' or 'MapWith'

DocSvartz commented 10 months ago

Even if you bring it to a case that in theory should work.

You get IQueryable from the conversion function and there will always be an error Instead of the data you need

public class WhenGenericMapping

    public void TestMappingGeneric()

        SamplePageList<string> _SourcePageList = new(new[] { "1234", "222" }.ToList(), 2, 2);

         var _DeconstructPageList = _SourcePageList.Adapt<PocoActivatorPageList<string>>();
         var _result = _DeconstructPageList.Adapt<SamplePageList<string>>();


        _result.Items.ToArray()[0].ShouldBe("1234"); // Error 
        _result.Items.ToArray()[1].ShouldBe("222"); //  Error 



    class PocoActivatorPageList<T>
        public  IEnumerable<T> Items { get; set; }
        public int Size { get; set; }
        public int Page { get; set; }


    class SamplePageList<T>

        public IQueryable<T> Items { get;  private set; }

        public int Size {  get; private set; }
        public int Page {  get; private set; }

        public int ItemCount { get; private set; }

        public SamplePageList(IEnumerable<T> items, int page, int size)
        : this(items.AsQueryable(), page, size)
            // this target

        public SamplePageList(IEnumerable<T> items, int page, int size, int itemCount)
           /// Not used

        public SamplePageList(IQueryable<T> items, int page, int size)
            Items = items;
            ItemCount = items.Count();
            Page = page;
            Size = size;
Error Message:
 System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.
Trace Stack:
  LargeArrayBuilder`1.AddRange(IEnumerable`1 items)
  EnumerableHelpers.ToArray[T](IEnumerable`1 source)
  Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)

From this File Mapster.Utils.DynamicTypeGenerator
DocSvartz commented 10 months ago

@andrerav For some reason, RecordType is involved there again))) for interface IQueryable

DocSvartz commented 10 months ago

@andrerav Apparently it is necessary to allocate a separate InterfaceAdapter (Base logic work from all Interface) handler with private setters (uses from RecordTypeAdapter). I'll try this as step 3 of fix #537. In continuation of this PR #646.

DocSvartz commented 10 months ago

@omerercelik This working From This

@andrerav I managed to separate the processing of interfaces without public setters from the processing of RecordTypes)

But IQueryable now not supported

public class WhenGenericMapping

    public void TestMappingGeneric()

            .ForType(typeof(SamplePageList<>), typeof(SamplePageList<>))

        SamplePageList<string> _SourcePageList = new(new[] { "1234", "222" }.ToList(), 2, 2);
        SamplePageList<int> _SourcePageList2 = new(new[] { 555, 333 }.ToList(), 2, 2);

        var c = _SourcePageList.Adapt(_SourcePageList2);




class PocoActivatorPageList<T>
    public  IEnumerable<T> Items { get; set; }
    public int Size { get; set; }
    public int Page { get; set; }


class SamplePageList<T>

    public IEnumerable<T> Items { get;  private set; }

    public int Size {  get; private set; }
    public int Page {  get; private set; }

    public int ItemCount { get; private set; }

    public SamplePageList(IEnumerable<T> items, int page, int size)

        Items = items;
        ItemCount = items.Count();
        Page = page;
        Size = size;

    public SamplePageList(IEnumerable<T> items, int page, int size, int itemCount)
       /// Not used

    public SamplePageList(IQueryable<T> items, int page, int size)
        Items = items;
        ItemCount = items.Count();
        Page = page;
        Size = size;