MapsterMapper / Mapster

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AddParameters not working #518

Closed GihanSoft closed 1 year ago

GihanSoft commented 1 year ago

This is not working. Id is '0'

var c1 = new Class1("title1");
var c2 = c1.BuildAdapter()
    .AddParameters("Id", 1) //this or below one or both, non of them works
    .AddParameters("id", 2)

// output:
// Class2 { Id = 0, Title = title1 }

record Class1(string Title);
record Class2(int Id, string Title);
andrerav commented 1 year ago

AddParameters() work just fine. But you are missing some required configuration to make this work:

TypeAdapterConfig<Class1, Class2>.NewConfig()
                            .Map(dest => dest.Id,
                                    src => MapContext.Current.Parameters["Id"]);

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