MapsterMapper / Mapster

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Mapster.Tool initialises property twice if property in derived class hides base class property #581

Open rafalka opened 1 year ago

rafalka commented 1 year ago

Mapster.Tool initialises property twice if property in derived class hides base class property.

Example: Declaration:

public class Src
    public  MyDateTime DateTime { get; set; }

public class DstBase
    public DateTime? DateTime { get; set; }

public class Dst:DstBase
    public new MyDateTime DateTime { get; set; }

Mapper configuration:

            config.ForType<Src, Dst>()

What gets generated:

        public static MapsterBug.Dst AdaptToDst(this MapsterBug.Src p1)
            return p1 == null ? null : new MapsterBug.Dst()
                DateTime = p1.DateTime == null ? null : new MapsterBug.MyDateTime(p1.DateTime.DateTime),
                DateTime = (System.DateTime?)p1.DateTime.DateTime.Value

Sample project:

rafalka commented 1 year ago

Hi, I managed to find a workaround for this issue. We can create a rule for ignoring member using .IgnoreMember().
As this is type specific, we have to use a .NewConfig<>() for desired mapping configuration.


config.NewConfig<Src, Dst>()

IgnoreHiddenAndReadOnlyProperties() extension method definition:

    public static TypeAdapterSetter<TSource, TDestination> IgnoreHiddenAndReadOnlyProperties<TSource, TDestination>(
        this TypeAdapterSetter<TSource, TDestination> config) =>
        config.IgnoreMember((m, s) =>
            if (m.Info is not PropertyInfo pi) return true;

            var isDestination = s == MemberSide.Destination;
            return IsPropertyHidden(pi, isDestination ? typeof(TDestination) : typeof(TSource))
                   || (isDestination && !IsPropertyWritable(pi));

    public static bool IsPropertyWritable(this PropertyInfo pi) =>
        pi is { CanWrite: true } && pi.GetSetMethod() is { IsPublic: true };

    public static bool IsPropertyHidden(this PropertyInfo pi, Type dstType)
        var e = dstType.GetProperty(pi.Name,
            BindingFlags.Public |  BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);

        return e is not null && pi.DeclaringType != e.DeclaringType;

Is not perfect as it does not work with .TwoWays() - you'll have to manually add configuration for reverse mapping.

andrerav commented 1 year ago

Thanks @rafalka, I'm leaving this open in case anyone else has similar problems or if anyone has suggestions on how to improve this. Feel free to open a PR to add this extension method to the main code base.