MaptimeNYC / working-with-satellite-data

Satellite data tutorial using Google Earth Engine for MaptimeNYC 1/24/17
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Interactive Use Case #2: Vegetation Change Over Time #4

Closed bfreeds closed 7 years ago

bfreeds commented 7 years ago

This should be a simple step-by-step demo of using Landsat data in Google Earth Engine. This analysis will highlight a big use case for Landsat data - changes in landscapes over time. We can use one of the established vegetation indexes produced from Landsat data and diff two datasets over the same area from two different times.

One thought @berylsinc had was to look at tree blight in the Rockies.

bfreeds commented 7 years ago

The structure of this demo should be parallel to the structure of #3.

bfreeds commented 7 years ago

@berylsinc would you rather just tag team the Indian Point demo? I feel like there's a lot to do there and it could be awesome if we're both working on that one, instead of dividing our efforts between 2 use cases.