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Improving the outliner and the surrounding area #846

Open rgoj opened 8 months ago

rgoj commented 8 months ago


This issue is a follow-up to all the work on the outliner (see #842 for all the PRs) and, in particular, to the last part of the work, of making the outliner work well in Maptio - in #838 we've collected small tasks that we could possibly pick up to improve the experience of using the outliner. We've already completed a bunch of them before shipping to production, but we've decided to postpone others. Here they are, hopefully we can do some of them now, some later over time.

Completed tasks


(Comments that need to be processed into tasks)

Remaining small tasks

Fast follow-on tasks

All done 🎉

After the fast follow-on tasks

Other potential fast follow-on tasks we should perhaps review to see whether they're not more important than the side panel work

Want to do

Not for now

rgoj commented 8 months ago

For convenience, here's what Tom posted previously in (I've crossed out everything that's already completed or that I've already made sure is captured accurately in the tasks above):

~Great work getting this running on staging Romek! Here are the main things that stood out for me on an initial test - I know you're aware of some or perhaps all of them but wanted to give you the fresh eyes perspective.~

~ESSENTIAL BEFORE SHIPPING~ ~It's already so much better than what we have in production so I think we should aim to ship this ASAP. The only two things I could really justify as essential are:~

1) ~the initial expansion of nodes to include the first level when a map loads and then I think we said we'd hide the expand/collapse all buttons~ (eventually we'll add expand all to the context menu on each node).

2) ~expanded view: circle names in leaf nodes have changed from white to black text and are hard to read on the circles with darker backgrounds.~

~NON-ESSENTIAL~ ~In rough priority order. Highest at the top.~

~Vertical spacing around multi-line items is less than around single-line ones. I don’t know if it’s just due to the spacing but it does look cluttered now that we show circle names over multiple lines. As a map gets more levels of indentation there will be more and more multi-line items. Making spacing consistent will definitely help, or perhaps we should keep everything on a single line and have horizontal scrolling.~

~Clicking a circle on the map does select the right item in the outliner, but it should also scroll to it and expand any parent circle if not visible.~

~Not actually about the outliner, but just noting it here: This might have gotten lost during the summer, but remember in Pavilion Gardens we spoke about not zooming in quite so far when a circle is selected, so you can see a bit more context around it. Did we settle on 75% or 85% or something else?~

I wonder if the Edit option on the context menu is redundant since clicking the item in the outliner opens up the edit panel anyway and it only takes one more click on the outliner item to edit it so it’s very discoverable and not actually essential since you can edit the circle name in the details panel.

When inline editing, I think pressing enter should save and stop editing. I don’t think enter should create a new item - I think that would get annoying when people just want to change the name of a circle and instinctively press enter to save. Perhaps control+enter should save and create a new child at the same level?

~When inline editing a new circle name for the first time it’s initially labeled ‘undefined’ once you’re editing.~

rgoj commented 8 months ago

And here's a copy of

~I think we need a fast follow-on to expand any parent circles in the outliner when you click a deeper child circle on the map otherwise you can’t find it. Perhaps in the standard circle view, if you click a circle on the map that has children it automatically expands in the outliner? We would then need to decide if it closes again when you click outside it again. On the expanded map view someone can obviously jump straight to quite a deep circle so maybe all parent circles need to expand in the outliner.~