Mar2zz / LaSi

LaSi is short for: Lazy admin Scripted Installers. Aim is to create 'easy' walkthrough-installers written in Bash for programs that are not inside official *nix-repo's, but for example only on Github or Googlecode. Main focus is headless servers, right now it supports debian-based systems, freeBSD-deratives (thx to Kriss1981) and bootstrapped Synology NAS devices (thx to Jeroenve)).
GNU General Public License v3.0
60 stars 8 forks source link

Script doesn't handle user creation correctly. #39

Closed coreygo closed 6 years ago

coreygo commented 12 years ago

Testing this out with an install of SickBeard and Headphones for a start. Both couldn't start because the sickbeard and headphones user wasn't created by the script.

synouser --add headphonesuuidgen | cut -c-8 'Headphones user' '' '' ''

coreygo commented 12 years ago

It'd also be cool if this script coalesced with the work the SynoCommunity has done with their packages. Mainly for less confusion and keeping things sorted... meaning no multiple Python installs, different paths, etc :)