Marak / colors.js

get colors in your node.js console
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Doesn't work in Git Bash #196

Closed wzup closed 6 years ago

wzup commented 7 years ago

Doesn't work in this Git Bash terminal on Windows 10 64bit

mintty 2017-05-21 23 07 23

Neither option works. Just nothing is colored.

const colors = require('colors');

wzup commented 7 years ago

Found a work-around here

Setting process.stdout.isTTY = true; before importing colors works

DABH commented 6 years ago

How does it work now with colors@next?

wbern commented 6 years ago

I'd just like to drop a note that installing colors@1.2.0-rc0 (aka next as of current writing) fixes the issue I had using git bash. I am also using ConEmu for anyone who finds this issue.

DABH commented 6 years ago

Sweet! Thanks for the report! I’m marking this as closed, I think we solved this issue.