MarcBoule / ImpromptuModular

Virtual Eurorack Modules for VCV Rack
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Themes work only partially #77

Open ZwergNaseXXL opened 4 weeks ago

ZwergNaseXXL commented 4 weeks ago

Hi Marc, I noticed some issues with the panel themes a while ago but never bothered to look into it. Now I did and that functionality seems to be broken in a few ways:

It's only a minor annoyance, but for Impromptu modules I have always preferred the dark theme and it would be nice to have it back.

MarcBoule commented 4 weeks ago

Hi, can you tell me the version of Rack and the version of Impromptu you are using? I'm not noticing some of the behaviors you mention. In my tests below, I have Rack 2.5.2 and Impromptu 2.4.3.


So only the 4th item you raise seems like a bug to me, but I'll need more info and details if you are seeing something inconsistent with what i wrote above.

Thanks for the feedback! Cheers,


ZwergNaseXXL commented 4 weeks ago

Oh right, I didn't think about the versions because usually I am up-to-date, but I hesitated updating to Rack 2.5 because of the changed user folder location. So I have Rack 2.4.1 and Impromptu 2.4.3. I'm not aware of any changes in Rack's theme API though.

Anyway, I just remembered that there are two theme-related settings in Rack's "View" menu: "Theme" and "Use dark panels if available (experimental)". I usually have the first one at dark and the second at off. When I reported this issue, I only experimented with the "Theme" setting and it did have no effect. Instead, Impromptu modules follow the "Use dark panels" option.

So I guess everything works like you intended. But it means for me that I would either have to enable dark panels globally (which I don't want) or that I have to embrace the light theme for Impromptu, because changing it for every module instance is too annoying. Unless you'd consider adding a default theme other than Rack's or just remembering the last setting.

Oh well. Sorry for bothering you with a non-issue, but at least you found a little bug through it.