Closed jayeshkumarbhoi closed 6 months ago
tac_plus-ng and tac_plus are not syntax compatible. Configurations are somewhat similar, but not the same.
Thanks @MarcJHuber for quick answer.
Is there in any guide line or document from where i can find what have changed? As my current server have plenty of configuration file for this i need to check one by one and correct it. i.e for below logging got error
log authz {
destination =
11: /etc/tac-plus-ng/tacacs.conf:36: Expected 'access', 'accounting', 'authorization', 'connection', 'destination', 'syslog' or '}', but got 'log'
11: Detected fatal configuration error. Exiting.
So it will be good if have any guideline or sample config which covers all changes.
alas, there's no migration guide. Never had the time for that. The HTML/PDF documentation comes with configuration samples, and comparing tac_plus/sample/tac_plus.cfg to tac_plus-ng/sample/tac_plus-ng.cfg might give some ad hoc insights.
tac_plus is more based on "objects" (users, groups), with certain attributes assigned (e.g. services). tac_plus-ng on the other hand moves most of those attributes to "profile" objects, and a profile is assigned to a session based on session and user parameters, which is a fundamental different approach. Also, logging has changed and is now fully customizable (that's why you're seeing the error message at "log separator").
Hello i recently switch our tacacs server from tac_plus to tac_plus-ng and with this our internal script for config check started getting failed with this new tac_plus-ng. See below full logs
Any idea why this working configuration with tac_plus failing with tac_plus-ng?