Closed MarcSaric closed 7 years ago
Single CPU run on a 4 CPU machine.
Had no time to look into the reason.
Thanks, but I am not sure how to interpret this?
I guess you are benchmarking 3.4.1 vs the previous 3.3.1 version? What are the final values?
Ah, no, the benchmark was just used as a quick and dirty test before I had time to do something more serious. I was merely wondering about the single-core usage.
I will provide comparison numbers, running with the previous version (same docker image basically, i.e. the r-essentials one).
P.S. You want me to test anything specific?
P.S. You want me to test anything specific?
Not really, just the benchmark figures and whether anything is broken for your setup.
platform x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
arch x86_64
os linux-gnu
system x86_64, linux-gnu
major 3
minor 3.2
year 2016
month 10
day 31
svn rev 71607
language R
version.string R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
nickname Sincere Pumpkin Patch
R Benchmark 2.5
Number of times each test is run__________________________: 3
I. Matrix calculation
Creation, transp., deformation of a 2500x2500 matrix (sec): 1.237
2400x2400 normal distributed random matrix ^1000____ (sec): 0.61133333333333
Sorting of 7,000,000 random values__________________ (sec): 1.22833333333333
2800x2800 cross-product matrix (b = a' * a)_________ (sec): 30.79
Linear regr. over a 3000x3000 matrix (c = a \ b')___ (sec): 15.009
Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): 2.8358237249633
II. Matrix functions
FFT over 2,400,000 random values____________________ (sec): 0.482999999999985
Eigenvalues of a 640x640 random matrix______________ (sec): 3.21966666666666
Determinant of a 2500x2500 random matrix____________ (sec): 16.9526666666667
Cholesky decomposition of a 3000x3000 matrix________ (sec): 12.5746666666667
Inverse of a 1600x1600 random matrix________________ (sec): 13.4786666666667
Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): 8.17180714389332
III. Programmation
3,500,000 Fibonacci numbers calculation (vector calc)(sec): 0.645333333333326
Creation of a 3000x3000 Hilbert matrix (matrix calc) (sec): 0.339666666666687
Grand common divisors of 400,000 pairs (recursion)__ (sec): 0.496666666666689
Creation of a 500x500 Toeplitz matrix (loops)_______ (sec): 0.550666666666662
Escoufier's method on a 45x45 matrix (mixed)________ (sec): 1.15600000000001
Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): 0.560935121910987
Total time for all 15 tests_________________________ (sec): 98.7726666666667
Overall mean (sum of I, II and III trimmed means/3)_ (sec): 2.35127444945193
--- End of test ---
Comparison benchmark using the previous version of R as packaged for conda.
Seems OK to me.