Open MarcSerraPeralta opened 2 months ago
The current function util.remove_gauge_detectors
only works for DEMs.
I believe a useful functionality would be to remove the gauge detectors from a stim.Circuit
This can be achieved by (1) getting the stim.DetectorErrorModel
, (2) search for the detectors that are gauge detectors, (3) remove these detectors from the circuit.
layout = rot_surf_code(DISTANCE)
qubit_inds = {q: layout.get_inds([q])[0] for q in layout.get_qubits()}
setup = Setup.from_yaml("config/circ_level_noise.yaml")
setup.set_var_param("prob", 1e-4)
setup.set_var_param("add_assign_error", True)
model = CircuitNoiseModel(setup, qubit_inds=qubit_inds)
circuit = memory_experiment(
# 20 million samples
and prob=1e-6
, I get logical error probability of 0 (no errors happened in the 1 million samples I took):
To understand the drop in performance for the cases where there are no gauge detectors (case of Surface-17 with p=1e-4 and num_shots=1e6):
One can see that the performance increases heavily by just increasing the o/lsd_order by 1. Increasing the number of BP iterations does not seem to improve a lot the performance. However, this is only for distance 3 and I haven't done a grid scan on both the order and max_number of iterations.
For the distance 5 with p=1e-4 and num_shots=1e6, we get:
Note: for max_iter=0, the runtime was too long to run in this type of benchmark.
We see that a little bit of order improve the performance a lot (e.g. factor of 10x). The order method is CS (because it is know that it is better).
To study these more automatically, I use:
max_iters = [0, 1, 10, 100, 1_000]
osd_orders = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]
max_time_scan = 3 * 3600 #s
data = [detectors_no_gauge, log_flips_no_gauge]
DECODER = lambda max_iter, osd_order: BP_OSD(dem_no_gauge, max_iter=max_iter, osd_order=osd_order, osd_method="OSD_CS")
max_n_fails = np.inf
OUTPUT_NAME = f"output/BPOSD_d{DISTANCE}_p{PROB}_nogaugedets_maxtime{max_time_scan}_maxfails{max_n_fails}".replace(".", "-") + ".npy"
t_init_estimation = time.time()
num_points = len(max_iters) * len(osd_orders)
output = {}
for max_iter in max_iters:
for osd_order in osd_orders:
print(f"{max_iter=} {osd_order=}")
t_init_point = time.time()
decoder = DECODER(max_iter, osd_order)
# compute available time
elapsed_time = t_init_point - t_init_estimation
remaining_points = num_points - len(output)
max_duration = (max_time_scan - elapsed_time) / remaining_points
# sample data
runtime_decoder, n_total, n_fail = [], 0, 0
while (time.time() - t_init_point) < max_duration and n_fail < max_n_fails and n_total < len(data[0]):
detector_vec, log_flip = data[0][n_total], data[1][n_total]
t0 = time.time()
prediction = decoder.decode(detector_vec)
runtime = time.time() - t0
n_total += 1
n_fail += (prediction != log_flip).any()
print(f"\r p={n_fail/n_total:0.9f} t={np.average(runtime_decoder):0.6f}s n_fail={n_fail} n_total={n_total}", end="")
# store data
output[(max_iter, osd_order)] = [n_fail, n_total, runtime_decoder], output)
print(f"\nTOTAL SCAN TIME: {time.time() - t_init_estimation:0f}s")
Check if the performance of bp_osd is affected when there are gauge detectors in the circuit (especially for
). If the performance decreases, one should remove them or warn the user. Preferably the second option because if one removes the gauge detectors, then the number of error mechanisms changes, sodecode_to_faults_array
will not work correctly.