MarcWeber / hasktags

Produces ctags "tags" and etags "TAGS" files for Haskell programs
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Adds option to make paths in tags files absolute #5

Closed pjrt closed 10 years ago

pjrt commented 10 years ago

This is useful when using the --output flag since the tags file will be put in some other yet the paths in said tags file will be relative to the directory hasktags was called on. This makes the tags file almost useless since vim and vim plugins (and emacs I guess?) will try to access those relatives paths from within the directory where the tags files is located.

For example, fugitive.vim loads tags file in your .git/ directory. So it makes sense for you to call hasktags -c --output=.git/tags . on git hooks and then let figutive.vim load the file. However, because the paths are relative, it will try to look for them in .git/{relative_path} instead of ./{relative_path}. Specifying the absolute path solves this.

ctags has a --tag-relative flag that will actually set the paths to be relative to where you place the output file. That sounds nice but I fail to see the disadvantage of just calling the absolute path (beside more text in your tags file) and figuring out how one path is relative to another seems hard.

MarcWeber commented 10 years ago
