MarcWeber / hasktags

Produces ctags "tags" and etags "TAGS" files for Haskell programs
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Incomplete support for Bird notation in .lhs files #56

Open vlopezj opened 5 years ago

vlopezj commented 5 years ago

I have had issues with hasktags and emacs when involving literate files in Bird notation E-macs version: 26.1

Consider a file like this:

This is foo:

> data Foo = Bar

> a :: Foo
> a = Bar

When jumping to the definition of Foo, emacs will complain that it cannot find the line "^ data Foo". I assume this is because the TAGS file generated by hasktags --etags does not account for the leading >.

I would prefer hasktags to directly say that Bird notation is not supported, and perhaps even point me to some way to convert to \begin{code} \end{code} notation:

I could provide more detail steps on how to reproduce the bug, but it seems that the trend is to drop support for Bird notation altogether.