in vim, when i use ctrl-] to jump to a tag, I am placed on the line preceding the thing I jumped to.
i created tags using hasktags -bx .
my vimrc looks like this:
set ignorecase
set hls
set smartcase
set hidden
set et
set sw=2
set tw=4
set incsearch
set paste
if !has("nvim")
:set cryptmethod=blowfish
set tags=./TAGS,TAGS
autocmd BufWritePost *.hs :silent! exec "!hasktags --etags ."
autocmd BufWritePre *.hs :%s/\s\+$//e
for example, I have a constructor called DoCapture that looks like this:
in vim, when i use ctrl-] to jump to a tag, I am placed on the line preceding the thing I jumped to.
i created tags using
hasktags -bx .
my vimrc looks like this:
for example, I have a constructor called DoCapture that looks like this:
| DoCapture FeedCaptureMode FeedSource Bool (Maybe [ProductionId])
and the TAGS file says:
| DoCapture ^?DoCapture^A85,86
are escape sequences.