Open cheater opened 5 months ago
hasktags -x -f - src/Tags.hs
hasktags: <stdout>: hPutStr: illegal operation (handle is closed)
Full log:
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/ !_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME hasktags FTClass src/Tags.hs /^ | FTClass$/;" cons data:FoundThingType line:74 language:Haskell FTCons src/Tags.hs /^ | FTCons FoundThingType String$/;" cons data:FoundThingType line:77 language:Haskell FTConsAccessor src/Tags.hs /^ | FTConsAccessor FoundThingType String String$/;" cons data:FoundThingType line:79 language:Haskell FTConsGADT src/Tags.hs /^ | FTConsGADT String$/;" cons data:FoundThingType line:80 language:Haskell FTData src/Tags.hs /^ | FTData$/;" cons data:FoundThingType line:71 language:Haskell FTDataGADT src/Tags.hs /^ | FTDataGADT$/;" cons data:FoundThingType line:72 language:Haskell FTFuncImpl src/Tags.hs /^ | FTFuncImpl Scope$/;" cons data:FoundThingType line:69 language:Haskell FTFuncTypeDef src/Tags.hs /^ = FTFuncTypeDef String Scope$/;" cons data:FoundThingType line:68 language:Haskell FTInstance src/Tags.hs /^ | FTInstance$/;" cons data:FoundThingType line:75 language:Haskell FTModule src/Tags.hs /^ | FTModule$/;" cons data:FoundThingType line:76 language:Haskell FTNewtype src/Tags.hs /^ | FTNewtype$/;" cons data:FoundThingType line:73 language:Haskell FTOther src/Tags.hs /^ | FTOther$/;" cons data:FoundThingType line:78 language:Haskell FTPattern src/Tags.hs /^ | FTPattern$/;" cons data:FoundThingType line:82 language:Haskell FTPatternTypeDef src/Tags.hs /^ | FTPatternTypeDef String$/;" cons data:FoundThingType line:81 language:Haskell FTType src/Tags.hs /^ | FTType$/;" cons data:FoundThingType line:70 language:Haskell FileData src/Tags.hs /^data FileData = FileData FileName [FoundThing]$/;" d line:116 language:Haskell FileData src/Tags.hs /^data FileData = FileData FileName [FoundThing]$/;" cons data:FileData line:116 language:Haskell FileName src/Tags.hs /^type FileName = String$/;" t line:50 language:Haskell FoundThing src/Tags.hs /^data FoundThing = FoundThing FoundThingType ThingName Pos$/;" d line:112 language:Haskell FoundThing src/Tags.hs /^data FoundThing = FoundThing FoundThingType ThingName Pos$/;" cons data:FoundThing line:112 language:Haskell FoundThingType src/Tags.hs /^data FoundThingType$/;" d line:67 language:Haskell Pos src/Tags.hs /^data Pos = Pos { _fileName :: FileName -- file name$/;" d line:57 language:Haskell Pos src/Tags.hs /^data Pos = Pos { _fileName :: FileName -- file name$/;" cons data:Pos line:57 language:Haskell Scope src/Tags.hs /^type Scope = Maybe (FoundThingType, String)$/;" t line:54 language:Haskell Show FoundThingType src/Tags.hs /^instance Show FoundThingType where$/;" i line:85 language:Haskell Tags src/Tags.hs /^module Tags where$/;" m line:6 language:Haskell ThingName src/Tags.hs /^type ThingName = String$/;" t line:52 language:Haskell _fileName src/Tags.hs /^data Pos = Pos { _fileName :: FileName -- file name$/;" c_a cons:Pos.Pos line:57 language:Haskell _lineContent src/Tags.hs /^ , _lineContent :: String -- string that makes up that line$/;" c_a cons:Pos.Pos line:60 language:Haskell _lineNumber src/Tags.hs /^ , _lineNumber :: Int -- line number$/;" c_a cons:Pos.Pos line:58 language:Haskell _tokenNumber src/Tags.hs /^ , _tokenNumber :: Int -- token number$/;" c_a cons:Pos.Pos line:59 language:Haskell ctagEncode src/Tags.hs /^ctagEncode :: Char -> String$/;" ft signature:(Char -> String) line:124 language:Haskell dumpThing src/Tags.hs /^dumpThing :: Bool -> FoundThing -> String$/;" ft signature:(Bool -> FoundThing -> String) line:144 language:Haskell etagsDumpFileData src/Tags.hs /^etagsDumpFileData :: FileData -> String$/;" ft signature:(FileData -> String) line:177 language:Haskell etagsDumpThing src/Tags.hs /^etagsDumpThing :: FoundThing -> String$/;" ft signature:(FoundThing -> String) line:183 language:Haskell extendedDump src/Tags.hs /^extendedDump :: FoundThing -> String$/;" ft signature:(FoundThing -> String) line:136 language:Haskell getfoundthings src/Tags.hs /^getfoundthings :: FileData -> [FoundThing]$/;" ft signature:(FileData -> [FoundThing]) line:121 language:Haskell mywords src/Tags.hs /^mywords :: Bool -> String -> [String]$/;" ft signature:(Bool -> String -> [String]) line:17 language:Haskell normalDump src/Tags.hs /^normalDump :: FoundThing -> String$/;" ft signature:(FoundThing -> String) line:133 language:Haskell show src/Tags.hs /^ show (FTFuncTypeDef s (Just (FTClass, p))) =$/;" fi instance:Show FoundThingType line:86 language:Haskell showLine src/Tags.hs /^showLine :: Pos -> String$/;" ft signature:(Pos -> String) line:130 language:Haskell sortThings src/Tags.hs /^sortThings :: [FoundThing] -> [FoundThing]$/;" ft signature:([FoundThing] -> [FoundThing]) line:164 language:Haskell writectagsfile src/Tags.hs /^writectagsfile :: Bool -> [FileData] -> Handle -> IO ()$/;" ft signature:(Bool -> [FileData] -> Handle -> IO ()) line:150 language:Haskell writeetagsfile src/Tags.hs /^writeetagsfile :: [FileData] -> Handle -> IO ()$/;" ft signature:([FileData] -> Handle -> IO ()) line:174 language:Haskell hasktags: <stdout>: hPutStr: illegal operation (handle is closed)
workaround: specify -c -x -f -.
-c -x -f -
duplicate of #86
hasktags -x -f - src/Tags.hs
hasktags: <stdout>: hPutStr: illegal operation (handle is closed)
Full log: