MarcWeber / ultisnips

Official Mirror of UltiSnips trunk on LaunchPad. Send pull requests to SirVer/ultisnips!
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Vertical Edit #12

Closed sencer closed 11 years ago

sencer commented 11 years ago

neither g:UltiSnips.EditSplit nor g:UltiSnipsEditSplit works for vertical editing, it always splits "normally"

MarcWeber commented 11 years ago

Close if its fixed by

sencer commented 11 years ago

Wow, thanks for prompt response. It didn't fix though. After asking to select a snippet file it says:

Error detected while processing function UltiSnips#ChooseSnippetFileToEditDefaultImplementation:
line   18:
E486: Pattern not found: home  
MarcWeber commented 11 years ago

Excerpts from sencer's message of Mon Oct 07 03:02:14 +0200 2013:

Error detected while processing function UltiSnips#ChooseSnippetFileToEditDefaultImplementation:
line   18:
E486: Pattern not found: home  

You can grep the source to find the function definition of UltiSnips#ChooseSnippetFileToEditDefaultImplementation, line 10:

let filetypes = map(copy(get(ft_filter, 'filetypes', ['FILETYPE'])), 'substitute(v:val, "FILETYPE", &filetype,"g")')

The only pattern matching ahppens in substitute !? But that's not known to throw errors if there is a no match to my knowledge.

You can try replacing "g" by "ge" and see whether this works?

Additionally verify that you have a standard setup, eg nocompatible set and such.

Eg compare with such a setup (.vimrc):

set nocompatible
filetype indent plugin on | syn on

fun SetupVAM()
  let vam_install_path = expand('$HOME') . '/.vim/vim-addons'
  exec 'set runtimepath+='.vam_install_path.'/vim-addon-manager'

  if !filereadable(vam_install_path.'/vim-addon-manager/.git/config') && 1 == confirm("git clone VAM into ".vam_install_path."?","&Y\n&N")
    exec '!p='.shellescape(vam_install_path).'; mkdir -p "$p" && cd "$p" && git clone --depth 1 git://'
    exec 'helptags '.fnameescape(vam_install_path.'/vim-addon-manager/doc')

  call vam#ActivateAddons(['github:MarcWeber/ultisnips], {'auto_install' : 0})
call SetupVAM()

" your ultisnips setup here

This checks out VAM and VAM-kr by git, then checks out ultisnips its dependencies.

It will populate ~/.vim/vim-addons/ Thus fastest could be to create a new user account and try it there?

sencer commented 11 years ago

I don't know what happened, but it is working this morning w/o any change :/