Closed sencer closed 11 years ago
Close if its fixed by
Wow, thanks for prompt response. It didn't fix though. After asking to select a snippet file it says:
Error detected while processing function UltiSnips#ChooseSnippetFileToEditDefaultImplementation:
line 18:
E486: Pattern not found: home
Excerpts from sencer's message of Mon Oct 07 03:02:14 +0200 2013:
Error detected while processing function UltiSnips#ChooseSnippetFileToEditDefaultImplementation: line 18: E486: Pattern not found: home
You can grep the source to find the function definition of UltiSnips#ChooseSnippetFileToEditDefaultImplementation, line 10:
let filetypes = map(copy(get(ft_filter, 'filetypes', ['FILETYPE'])), 'substitute(v:val, "FILETYPE", &filetype,"g")')
The only pattern matching ahppens in substitute !? But that's not known to throw errors if there is a no match to my knowledge.
You can try replacing "g" by "ge" and see whether this works?
Additionally verify that you have a standard setup, eg nocompatible set and such.
Eg compare with such a setup (.vimrc):
set nocompatible
filetype indent plugin on | syn on
fun SetupVAM()
let vam_install_path = expand('$HOME') . '/.vim/vim-addons'
exec 'set runtimepath+='.vam_install_path.'/vim-addon-manager'
if !filereadable(vam_install_path.'/vim-addon-manager/.git/config') && 1 == confirm("git clone VAM into ".vam_install_path."?","&Y\n&N")
exec '!p='.shellescape(vam_install_path).'; mkdir -p "$p" && cd "$p" && git clone --depth 1 git://'
exec 'helptags '.fnameescape(vam_install_path.'/vim-addon-manager/doc')
call vam#ActivateAddons(['github:MarcWeber/ultisnips], {'auto_install' : 0})
call SetupVAM()
" your ultisnips setup here
This checks out VAM and VAM-kr by git, then checks out ultisnips its dependencies.
It will populate ~/.vim/vim-addons/
I don't know what happened, but it is working this morning w/o any change :/
neither g:UltiSnips.EditSplit nor g:UltiSnipsEditSplit works for vertical editing, it always splits "normally"