MarcWeber / vim-addon-manager

manage and install vim plugins (including their dependencies) in a sane way. If you have any trouble contact me. Usually I reply within 24 hours
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vam#ActivateAddons #100

Closed MortalCatalyst closed 11 years ago

MortalCatalyst commented 11 years ago

I receive an error in my windows install of vam. I have copied the vimrc from the vam documentation.

The vam install appeared to go ok. But on start I receive/

Error detected while processing function SetupVAM kine 21: E117: unknown function: vam#ActivteAddons

For me this appears to be line 21 but I am not sure of how to correct the error.

execute '!git clone --depth=1 git:// '.

MarcWeber commented 11 years ago

fixed - thanks. A small regression occured while fixing #99. Retry using current sample VimL code provided by the documentation. If in doubt compare with what you get using downloader. If you still have issues write again

ZyX-I commented 11 years ago

Wondering what’s the problem with &rtp? I do not see how your patch fixes the issue because there is no regression. And I am highly against encouraging anybody to unnecessary use exec and eval.

ZyX-I commented 11 years ago

There was regression: I forgot to copy-paste /vim-addon-manager part.

MarcWeber commented 11 years ago

Once and forall: You can write bad programs in any languages. You can't protect the user from shooting himself into his own feet - if he/she/it wants to do so. For the same reason you can't tell kids "Don't use fire, don't use knifes". Teach them how to use it in a sensible way instead. If you want to be safe don't use VIM, cause Vim was written in C, and C is eval for many reasons! The real problem about VAM is that you get sources from maybe untrusted git repositories - that you don't have a "known state" - we just hope and trust that newest versions don't break. If you really want to improve the world - then go and patch VIM, introduce a set_rtp and get_rtp function operating on lists instead of strings. But don't tell people about how to escape "," in paths cause its that unlikely that they ever use directories containing it. Non working code is a bug, too much code, too. And the latter is more serious cause you have to read and review it. And this reviewing issue also applies to git history.