MarcWeber / vim-addon-manager

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Gentoo overlay and ebuild #106

Closed Massimo-B closed 11 years ago

Massimo-B commented 11 years ago

...mentioned the Gentoo overlay. Behind a proxy I can't reach the git:// source but I managed to add the overlay from

I would appreciate to see this source as default in the docs.

But the main issue is, there is no ebuild anymore. Does ZyX still maintain it? I would really like to install VAM by the gentoo ebuild and the whole rest by VAM itself, since I switched from installing vim addons by portage to VAM only.

$ ls -al /var/lib/layman/pluginloader-overlay/ .svn/ vam-test-repository/ root@padmburcheri1-linux(1617.52) /etc/vim $ tree /var/lib/layman/pluginloader-overlay /var/lib/layman/pluginloader-overlay └── vam-test-repository └── plugin └── msgWrite.vim

2 directories, 1 file

Then I would appreciate if that overlay would be added to the default layman list.

Best regards, Massimo

MarcWeber commented 11 years ago

ZyX is maintaining the overlay. I personally think it might be causing more trouble than value, because cloning VAM is cheap. Having duplicates sucks - but works. Updating is cheap, also. You may want to wait for his reply.

ZyX-I commented 11 years ago

@MarcWeber You are false on the issue of cloning: the only VAM ebuild there is live ebuild. Meaning that it will use git. And it was not changed for the last half-year or more (because it did not require changes when I used it and likely continues to work as-is when I stopped).

@Massimo-B WTF is svn doing here? Pluginloader project holds all the auxiliary stuff for testing VAM (you got one of the test repositories), the overlay itself, documentation and maybe something else (definitely the pluginloader itself, but it was deprecated long ago). There is no subversion, mercurial or other mirror of anything, just testing repositories. More there is no _git_ mirror of _mercurial_ repository It is clearly stated at the doc that this is mercurial repository: “The overlay is accessible via mercurial, url:”, two mentions of “hg” in the URL itself, “hg+http” proto in paludis config, “<source type="mercurial">” in layman config. You should try whether mercurial http:// URL will work behind a proxy. You should forget anything about any other VCS repositories also present in the project. And you should forget about any other mercurial repositories also present in the project, there is only one relevant there named pluginloader-overlay.

Massimo-B commented 11 years ago

Wait. First getting the problem right. My problem is not to be able to fetch that default URL behind a http proxy. So I searched for vimpluginloader on sourceforge just to see if there is any http mirror. There is not, ok. is not http=80 This may be irrelevant for most networks. But regarding that most add-ons for vim and also VAM works from userspace restricted users only, even on restricted servers in restricted networks, being behind a http-only proxy in corporate networks is not that unlikely.

No issue if not, but is there a possibility to offer the overlay on http port?

ZyX-I commented 11 years ago

This may be irrelevant for most networks. But regarding that most add-ons for vim and also VAM works from userspace restricted users only, even on restricted servers in restricted networks, being behind a http-only proxy in corporate networks is not that unlikely.

You are free to set up mirror anywhere you want. If bitbucket is fine I can set up the mirror myself, but not anywhere else.

Massimo-B commented 11 years ago

Bitbucket I'm already using and works. That would be fine.

ZyX-I commented 11 years ago

@Massimo-B Created.