MarcWeber / vim-addon-manager

manage and install vim plugins (including their dependencies) in a sane way. If you have any trouble contact me. Usually I reply within 24 hours
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Provide vimrc.vam #108

Closed Massimo-B closed 11 years ago

Massimo-B commented 11 years ago

Currently the important vimrc stuff is included in the docs. Eventhough I knew VAM is was a bit hard to figure out that it's "self-installing" from that vimrc and doesn't need a source to start.

So you're right, porting the VAM installation only means porting the vimrc. I like that idea. Could you provide that template (as is in the doc currently) as separate vimrc.vam which can be sourced, like I do now:

if filereadable("vimrc.vam") source vimrc.vam endif

If that file comes with git this makes it easier to merge if you update the template. So on my Gentoo I would do

$ vimdiff /etc/vim/vimrc.vam /etc/vim/vim-addons/vim-addon-manager/vimrc.vam.example

And it is likely to have updated examples there since my last vimrc.vam did not know the selfinstalling mechanism. That self-installing mechanism would even make the gentoo overlay unnecessary. My VAM is installed in /etc/vim beside my system-wide custom /etc/vim/vimrc.local.

Best regards, Massimo

MarcWeber commented 11 years ago

The install section 2 has two variants: a minimal version - and a complicated version. The minimal version didn't change since the beginning. So I don't see reason why you can't just copy paste the minimal version int your .vimrc and surround it by if .. endif or such if you want to activate it conditionally. In the autoload directory there is a sample file - not sure whether it checks out VAM (I forgott)

Reread the docs (section 2) - then make a proposal how to improve it without adding more duplication.