MarcWeber / vim-addon-manager

manage and install vim plugins (including their dependencies) in a sane way. If you have any trouble contact me. Usually I reply within 24 hours
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migrating to VAM from Pathogen (and script sources) #143

Closed fncll closed 10 years ago

fncll commented 10 years ago

I am interested in trying to migrate to VAM from Pathogen if it will allow me to use (and most importantly, auto-update) plugins that are 1) shared only via the scripts section and 2) made available as vimballs (in particular, Dr. Chip's plugins such as netrw []).

My questions then:

  1. Does VAM support both of those for installation and automatic updates?
  2. I was thinking that, to test, I could just remove the couple of lines in .vimrc invoking pathogen and start using VAM with the plugins installed in a directory other than bundle ... then I can switch back if necessary?
  3. I currently keep all my plugins as git submodules for easy updating using git submodule foreach git pull origin master to update. Will this be replaced for me by the :UpdateAddons command?
MarcWeber commented 10 years ago

What does VAM do? If a plugin is there and if it has .hg .svn etc it will just run "git pull" or appropriate.

If it does not exist it'll use vim-addon-manager-known-repositories to install the plugin

If you use git only you can still update plugins by "git pull" (unless there are hooks defined for recompiling whatsoever).

VAM has some experimental support for git submodules, however because VAM also adds additional files such as "addon-info.json" in some files it happens to be not that useful, because repositories look like they were changed. You can find the commits easily - I pushed them recently (this is experimental).

About dr chips plugins: We should ask Dr chip to put his plugins on github or the like. I'll write him a mail referencing this issue. Updating plugins from is supported.

ZyX-I commented 10 years ago
  1. What do you mean by “automatic”? If you are fine with updating when you use :UpdateAddons command that the answer is “yes”.
  2. Of course. You do not even need to use different directory, just point VAM to the $HOME/.vim/bundle.
  3. Yes.

Closing for this being not an issue.