MarcWeber / vim-addon-manager

manage and install vim plugins (including their dependencies) in a sane way. If you have any trouble contact me. Usually I reply within 24 hours
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Errors when using Vim with Git #149

Closed steveno closed 10 years ago

steveno commented 10 years ago

screenshot from 2014-02-11 13 27 51

Shougo commented 10 years ago

You should upload your .vimrc when the error was occurred.

steveno commented 10 years ago

steveno commented 10 years ago

If I change the SetupVAM function as described in Issue #150 then this goes away.

Shougo commented 10 years ago

OK, it seems SetupVAM()'s issue. But it is user defined function. You should check when you defined the function by :verbose function SetupVAM.

MarcWeber commented 10 years ago

1) line 14 and 23 both do the same 2) VAMActivate is a new command which got introduced recently. Its defined in autoload/vam.vim which is why you have to call vam#ActivateAddons([]) once to define it. If you still have trouble you might have older vim-addon-manager version, run git pull in that directory (or :UpdateAddons vim-addon-manager)

MarcWeber commented 10 years ago

reopen and comment if you still have issues