MarcWeber / vim-addon-manager

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do we need sparse checkouts? #153

Open MarcWeber opened 10 years ago

MarcWeber commented 10 years ago

sparse checkouts seem to allow checking out subdirectories of repositories. The rust repository referenced there is 35M in size (shallow clone depth=1)

This is related to runtime key

Shougo commented 10 years ago

You should not use this feature. Neobundle have implemented it, but I removed it.

MarcWeber commented 10 years ago

sparse checkouts are different from shallow clones. Sparse checkout allow to checkout a subdirectory. In the rust case it might make a big difference. Who wants to have 35M in ~/.vim if some kb would be enough? ..

Shougo commented 10 years ago

OK. I get it. But sparse checkouts does not save your diskspace. I think it is not useful feature.

MarcWeber commented 10 years ago

thanks :)

MarcWeber commented 10 years ago

sparse checkouts are not smaller in size (.git) - but the size of checked out files could be less. In the rust case its 35 (all) vs 5MB (.git) 40K (vim directory). So it might still be worth it.

Shougo commented 10 years ago

Do you want to save disk usage instead of download size? Yes, disk usage is smaller than default checkout but download size from remote repository is same.

MarcWeber commented 10 years ago

You made a statement: "But sparse checkouts does not save your diskspace" and the example I gave proofs your statement wrong. In the rust case you get approx 5MB instead of 35MB disk usage.

steveno commented 10 years ago

A lot of changes/fixes were made to sparse checkouts with git 1.9

So its possible both of you are right depending on what version you're using.

Shougo commented 10 years ago

You made a statement: "But sparse checkouts does not save your diskspace" and the example I gave proofs your statement wrong.

Yes, it is my mistake. Sorry.

Shougo commented 10 years ago

A lot of changes/fixes were made to sparse checkouts with git 1.9

Oh, my git version is 13.10).