MarcWeber / vim-addon-manager

manage and install vim plugins (including their dependencies) in a sane way. If you have any trouble contact me. Usually I reply within 24 hours
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Errors when using VAM with Macvim #182

Open akulakov opened 7 years ago

akulakov commented 7 years ago

Hi, after setting up a new macbook with the latest Mac OS, I'm running into some errors, I'm using the same setup code that I had before with no issues:

Error detected while processing function vam#ActivateAddons[59]..vam#ActivateRecursively[30]..vam#install#Install[1]..vam#install#ReplaceAndFetchUrls: line 7: E735: Can only compare Dictionary with Dictionary E15: Invalid expression: n =~ '^http://' && s:confirm('Fetch plugin info from URL '.n.'?') Error detected while processing function vam#ActivateAddons[59]..vam#ActivateRecursively[30]..vam#install#Install[6]..vam#IsPluginInstalled[1]..vam#PluginDirFromName[1]..vam#DefaultPluginDirFromName: line 4: E731: using Dictionary as a String Error detected while processing function vam#ActivateAddons[59]..vam#ActivateRecursively[30]..vam#install#Install: line 9: E716: Key not present in Dictionary: known E15: Invalid expression: name != s:c['known'] | call vam#install#LoadKnownRepos(opts) | endif line 11: E731: using Dictionary as a String E731: using Dictionary as a String Error detected while processing function vam#ActivateAddons[59]..vam#ActivateRecursively[30]..vam#install#Install[16]..vam#install#RewriteName: line 1: E719: Cannot use [:] with a Dictionary E15: Invalid expression: a:name[:6]==#'github:' Error detected while processing function vam#ActivateAddons[59]..vam#ActivateRecursively[30]..vam#install#Install: line 25: E116: Invalid arguments for function vam#Log Error detected while processing function vam#ActivateAddons: line 145: E605: Exception not caught: These plugins could not be activated for some reason: ['vim-snippets']

MarcWeber commented 6 years ago

Looks like n should have been an url, but that the code got a dictionary for whatever reason. The fastest way to find out what's going on is by either using vim -V20logfile or adding an echom n before that if statement or using debug statement..