MarcWeber / vim-addon-manager

manage and install vim plugins (including their dependencies) in a sane way. If you have any trouble contact me. Usually I reply within 24 hours
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Viml code should be replaced by an external library #189

Open MarcWeber opened 2 years ago

MarcWeber commented 2 years ago

So that plugin can be updated/installed in parallel. And that code can be shared. However it would make the startup code more complicated cause the library must be installed which would be different on all systems. !apt-get install python3 choosing python would not work on Windows etc. it's a mess I know.

call vam#Scripts(expand('~/.vim-scripts'), {})
contents like

{'name': 'vim-addon-surround'}
{'name': 'vim-addon-toc'}
{'filename_regex': '\%(\%(l\)hs\|cabal\)$', 'name': 'vim-addon-haskell'}
{'filename_regex': '\%(php\|inc\|\|hsc\|lhs\)$', 'names': ['phpcomplete','vim-addon-xdebug', 'vim-addon-php-manual']}
{'filetype_regex': '\%(cabal\|hs\|hsc\|lhs\)$', 'name':  'vim-addon-haskell'}
{'filetype_regex': '\%(rb)$', 'names': ['vim-ruby', 'vim-addon-rdebug', 'vim-addon-ruby-debug-ide', 'textobj-rubyblock' ]}

see main README is one step towards it.