MarcWeber / vim-addon-manager

manage and install vim plugins (including their dependencies) in a sane way. If you have any trouble contact me. Usually I reply within 24 hours
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Loading plugins in .vim/plugins and --noplugin option #97

Closed skeept closed 11 years ago

skeept commented 11 years ago

In another issue, I mentioned that the plugins in .vim/plugins were always being loaded.

Here is what happens now. The use of the option

let g:vim_addon_manager.source_missing_plugins = 0

does not have any effect for me, so even if I have that in my vimrc file all files that I have in .vim/plugin show up when I type :scriptnames.

If I use the command line option --noplugin no plugin is loaded, not even the ones that I tell VAM to explicitly load.

Is there a way of not loading the files in .vim/plugin but still get the plugins that I tell VAM to load?

Thanks and sorry if I am bothering you guys to much, I promise that after this issue I will calm down...

For a while :)

ZyX-I commented 11 years ago

It was always there:

call vam#ActivateAddons([…], {'force_loading_plugins_now': 1})

. Documented at :h vam#ActivateAddons. Though it was targeted at making it possible to manually resolve the same issue source_missing_files is now resolving automatically.

I misnamed the option, source_missing_files, not _plugins. On latest commit you don’t have to set anything, you rather have to be sure it is not set at all.

Rather then using force_loading_plugins_now as a hacky solution, why don’t you put ~/.vim to ~/.vim/vim-addons/%default (%default name is guaranteed not to overlap with any other plugin name) (except for ~/.vim/vim-addons, of course). You can then use

call vam#ActivateAddons((&loadplugins ? ['%default'] : []) +[…])
set loadplugins
skeept commented 11 years ago

Thank you again for the help. When I have more time I will simply start from scratch and use VAM to install the plugins I really need :)