MarcWong / UDD

Urban Drone Dataset(UDD) for "Large-scale Structure from Motion with Semantic Constraints of Aerial Images", PRCV2018
MIT License
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Integrated Drone Dataset: an extension to UDD #9

Open RussRobin opened 3 months ago

RussRobin commented 3 months ago


Great thanks to UDD, a great work in semantic segmentation!

In IDD, we propose Integrated Drone Dataset, which adds new annotations of class 'water' to UDD, UAVid, and combined them with Varied Drone Dataset(VDD, 400 high-res images).

IDD, as a combination of 3 drone semantic segmentation datasets, proves to be the most comprehensive and helpful dataset as reported in our paper.

Please consider using IDD in your research. Again, great thanks to UDD!

MarcWong commented 3 months ago

Thank you, and many congrats to your paper!