MarcinOrlowski / crypto-tracker-plasmoid

Plasma/KDE multi crypto currency price tracker widget, with support for multiple exchanges and currency pairs.
23 stars 8 forks source link

New version doesn't update values #29

Closed keybreak closed 3 years ago

keybreak commented 3 years ago

I've upgraded via manual method on Manjaro Stable, restarted plasmashell as mentioned in

However what i see is: image

One from Kraken, other from BitBay

Something seems wrong with new version or i am missing something (thx for adding XMR btw :+1: )

MarcinOrlowski commented 3 years ago

Is this old configuration or you created it after installation? If this is old one, could please remove all pairs and set it up again?

keybreak commented 3 years ago

It was same config for BTC, i've just added XMR

Ok, so now i've removed plasmoid from panel, removed that dir (should be enough?):


Then installed manually and tried to setup again - still same, even default config seems to produce same result btw... :thinking:

MarcinOrlowski commented 3 years ago

It should be enough to just remove config from within the plasmoid. Just open config, delete all pairs, "Apply" and then set it again.

keybreak commented 3 years ago

Nope, still same...weird Yours update normally?

Here's my BTC setup, i've just tried: image

MarcinOrlowski commented 3 years ago

the setup itself is irrelevant really. But at least "default" config should work for you. IF you absolutely sure default config do not work, could you please test it on a side for me so perhaps we could see some errors. Tests are independent from your current installation so you need to do nothing with it.

For tests you need plasmoidviewer (sudo apt install plasma-sdk if you do not have it). Then download - you can unpack it anywhere (i.e. /tmp is fine). Now, get the sources of current version by downloading from and unpack it anywhere (/tmp is again fine).

Now open new terminal and do (I assume you unpacked all to said /tmp):

$ cd /tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0
$ /tmp/plasmoid-tools-1.1.0/bin/ big

that should open viewer with the plasmoid running. It will use default config but it it will not show any quotes, your terminal shall contain some logs info. But there will be also lot of noise (i.e. tons of Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead. etc), so just save all the contents (there's Save in Konsole's File menu) and attach to this ticket so I can take a look. Thanks

keybreak commented 3 years ago

Pretty sure, and there's no apt here it's pacmaaaan :upside_down_face:

It wasn't much garbage was pretty quick stuck on QML error

Running FullRepresentation
QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment.
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L89 View QML loaded
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 Applet preload policy set to 1
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 Toolbox not loading, toolbox package is either invalid or disabled.
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L80 New Containment: ContainmentInterface(0x5637c4369820)
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 QJsonValue(string, "Crypto Tracker")
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 QJsonValue(array, QJsonArray(["file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/main.qml:40:34: Type ExchangeContainer unavailable","file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/ExchangeContainer.qml:14:1: Script file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/js/crypto.js unavailable","file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/js/crypto.js:13:1: Script file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/js/crypto_data.js unavailable","file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/js/crypto_data.js: No such file or directory"]))
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L21 file:///usr/share/plasma/shells/org.kde.plasma.plasmoidviewershell/contents/applet/AppletError.qml:21:5: QML IconItem: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L21 file:///usr/share/plasma/shells/org.kde.plasma.plasmoidviewershell/contents/applet/AppletError.qml:21:5: QML IconItem: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L21 file:///usr/share/plasma/shells/org.kde.plasma.plasmoidviewershell/contents/applet/AppletError.qml:21:5: QML IconItem: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 QXcbConnection: XCB error: 5 (BadAtom), sequence: 658, resource id: 0, major code: 20 (GetProperty), minor code: 0
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 <input>:406:376: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 <input>:407:130: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 <input>:408:130: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 <input>:408:393: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 <input>:409:130: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 <input>:410:129: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 <input>:411:129: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 <input>:412:129: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 <input>:413:129: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 <input>:413:379: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-29T21:27:38 L0 <input>:413:631: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
file:///usr/share/plasma/shells/org.kde.plasma.plasmoidviewershell/contents/views/Desktop.qml:75: TypeError: Cannot read property 'largeSpacing' of null
file:///usr/share/plasma/shells/org.kde.plasma.plasmoidviewershell/contents/applet/AppletError.qml:14: TypeError: Cannot read property 'gridUnit' of null
file:///usr/share/plasma/shells/org.kde.plasma.plasmoidviewershell/contents/applet/AppletError.qml:15: TypeError: Cannot read property 'gridUnit' of null
file:///usr/share/plasma/shells/org.kde.plasma.plasmoidviewershell/contents/applet/AppletError.qml:24: TypeError: Cannot read property 'iconSizes' of null
file:///usr/share/plasma/shells/org.kde.plasma.plasmoidviewershell/contents/applet/AppletError.qml:25: TypeError: Cannot read property 'iconSizes' of null

btw, my versions on Manjaro are: DE: KDE 5.82.0 / Plasma 5.21.5

MarcinOrlowski commented 3 years ago

file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/js/crypto_data.js: No such file or directory

Ah, forgot that you need to generate this file first too. But can you please download this file: unpack it (it's regular ZIP archive) and then copy crypto_data.js from its src/contents/js folder to the same folder in the plasmoid you are testing?

MarcinOrlowski commented 3 years ago

The same for meta.js (from src/contents/js folder)

keybreak commented 3 years ago

Ok so i had copied meta.js and crypto_data.js (there was already some crypto_data.js in there btw)

In plasmoidviewer visually it's definitely working

Here's stdout:

Running FullRepresentation
QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment.
2021-05-30T10:49:19 L89 View QML loaded
2021-05-30T10:49:19 L0 Applet preload policy set to 1
2021-05-30T10:49:19 L0 Toolbox not loading, toolbox package is either invalid or disabled.
2021-05-30T10:49:19 L80 New Containment: ContainmentInterface(0x55c14f935730)
2021-05-30T10:49:19 L15 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/AboutDialog.qml:15:1: QML AboutDialog: Layout must be attached to Item elements
2021-05-30T10:49:19 L15 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/AboutDialog.qml:15:1: QML AboutDialog: Layout must be attached to Item elements
2021-05-30T10:49:19 L0 Failed to register Notification service on DBus
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L167 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:167:5: QML MouseArea: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.2021-05-30T10:49:20 L217 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:217:5: QML Rectangle: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L167 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:167:5: QML MouseArea: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L217 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:217:5: QML Rectangle: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L167 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:167:5: QML MouseArea: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L217 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:217:5: QML Rectangle: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L167 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:167:5: QML MouseArea: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L217 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:217:5: QML Rectangle: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L0 trying to show an empty dialog
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L167 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:167:5: QML MouseArea: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L217 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:217:5: QML Rectangle: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L167 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:167:5: QML MouseArea: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L217 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:217:5: QML Rectangle: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L167 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:167:5: QML MouseArea: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L217 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:217:5: QML Rectangle: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L167 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:167:5: QML MouseArea: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L217 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:217:5: QML Rectangle: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L0 QXcbConnection: XCB error: 5 (BadAtom), sequence: 713, resource id: 0, major code: 20 (GetProperty), minor code: 0
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L167 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:167:5: QML MouseArea: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L217 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:217:5: QML Rectangle: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L167 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:167:5: QML MouseArea: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L217 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:217:5: QML Rectangle: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L0 <input>:406:376: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L0 <input>:407:130: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L0 <input>:408:130: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L0 <input>:408:393: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L0 <input>:409:130: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L0 <input>:410:129: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L0 <input>:411:129: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L0 <input>:412:129: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L0 <input>:413:129: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L0 <input>:413:379: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L0 <input>:413:631: Could not add child element to parent element because the types are incorrect.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L167 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:167:5: QML MouseArea: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L217 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:217:5: QML Rectangle: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L167 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:167:5: QML MouseArea: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:20 L217 file:///tmp/crypto-tracker-plasmoid-2.1.0/src/contents/ui/Exchange.qml:217:5: QML Rectangle: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
2021-05-30T10:49:22 L0 trying to show an empty dialog
keybreak commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry i couldn't figure it out earlier - it's the Latte dock that requires restart even if you do:

kquitapp5 plasmashell ; kstart5 plasmashell

Probably you should add mention for Latte dock users that they also need to do that on update:

setsid latte-dock -r &
MarcinOrlowski commented 3 years ago

Updated the docs with info you provided. Thanks

rabfel-hobmet commented 1 year ago

i am having the same issue on a fresh arch install. happened on my laptop and then when i installed on my desktop (both fresh arch installations) so i'm stuck. I tried "kquitapp5 plasmashell ; kstart5 plasmashell" but no avail.

can we reopen this or should i start a new?