Marcnuth / AnomalyDetection

Twitter's Anomaly Detection in Pure Python
Apache License 2.0
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Exception with latest statsmodels library #39

Open abdulsami5 opened 3 years ago

abdulsami5 commented 3 years ago

Latest statsmodel==0.13.0 is released on October, 2nd 2021. After that I started getting this issue in tad/

decomposed = sm.tsa.seasonal_decompose(data, freq=num_obs_per_period, two_sided=False) TypeError: seasonal_decompose() got an unexpected keyword argument 'freq'

Warning with statsmodel==0.12.2. tad/ FutureWarning: the 'freq'' keyword is deprecated, use 'period' instead data, freq=num_obs_per_period, two_sided=False)