--> Add this to your index file to get FB, Twitter and G+:
<%= twitter_button :title=> 'Draw the fucking Owl', :url=> 'http://drawthefuckingowl.com' %>
<%= facebook_button :title=> 'Draw the fucking Owl', :url=> 'http://drawthefuckingowl.com' %>
<%= google_plus_button :title=> 'Draw the fucking Owl', :url=> 'http://drawthefuckingowl.com' %>
--> run the following to generate a sharable initializer:
rails g shareable:config
--> open the generated sharable.rb file and make adjustments as you need them.
I did the following for the twitter feed:
config.text='Good advice for people who love startups'
#config.hashtags='#startup #advice'
A good Gem for doing this is here
Steps to get this working:
Add the shareable gem:
--> Add this to your index file to get FB, Twitter and G+:
--> run the following to generate a sharable initializer:
--> open the generated sharable.rb file and make adjustments as you need them. I did the following for the twitter feed:
--> restart your server and you're done